hi fcurrito,
sorry about what i m going to say
but i ve got no idea what you re talking about
where are you from first
can u be more precise????6:!
thank u
if you open
euhh, tu n as jamais rencontre ce mensieur tu le juges selon les histoires que sa soeur t as raconte
est ce que tu ne crois pas que peut etre sa soeur est jealouse d elle car ca n a pas marche avec
wchnou fiha mehrajanates had lagnaza kamla dayrinha welmeyet far , lmehrajanates wasila ta9afya hadaria yastafide mnha al kol chhal fikom dyal naboubi ala walou mn l7eppa
it s a shame really , i don t blame him looking for a BETTER LIFE i respect people who work hard for a better life , but why he has to ruin all his success by taking drugs , his reputation as an
a white american girl with no brain is the ticket to the american pie for a lot of moroccan students
how else could they stay in USA it s not a white girl it s a bleu passport
thats what i
free thinker , whats that got to do with the price of potatoes ?
comme on dit en francais: tu sautes du coq a l ane
THATS a separate subject you are talking about
i did see the interview with
I agree wth free thinker , why reffering to her as white girl????why don t you consider her as a girl without white , black, green , or bleu that reflects prejudice
if i understood this
voila un exemple de la diabolisation de la femme:
on entend les hommes souvent repetent ce hadith :
anisa2o na9isato dinine wa 3akel
est ce que c est un hadith sahihe ?
y a un cheikh de l