[] Re: cover up for his sake!!!!
23 avril 2009 à 21:57
I still think that the use of the word kafir , is wrong referring to people from other religion we muslim beleive in other prophets in judgement day it s up to allah SWT to make this distinction , ...More
[] Re: cover up for his sake!!!!
22 avril 2009 à 10:32
Hello boys! Leave sister NYorkaise alone! You are ganging on her unnecessarely. Read her comments. She has given you more reasons why she loves her hijab than you have given her ...More
samira , encore une fois tu te crois allah et tu accuses les autres des non musulmans ...More
:ptdr:i don t think the world give a **** about algeria elections , it is very predictable nothing new , a dictator who changed the election law to cling on to power whats new??? i feel sorry for ...More
[] Re: How would you deal with this?
15 avril 2009 à 17:49
it s only students talk , doesn t mean anything , just rubbish what they say or what they didn t say who are they anyway in your life ? the answer is :)they don t mean anything , if i was in your ...More
:ptdr:m elle ou madame samira , tu ecris n importe quoi toi , tu contradicdte tu as ecris: je suis musulmane et je suis fiere de l etre , avant ca tu as ecris a un membre : tu n es pas musulman!!!! ...More
c'est tout simplement la verité.. au maroc, la prostitution est devenue une institution a part entiere c'est l'un des produits qui s'exporte le mieux dans le monde ...More
when you start making exceptions based on nationality , age or medical condition this underminds the law no one is above the law , if there is any justice if a begger commit a crime he needs to be ...More
je n ai jamais entendu un mauvais mot sur les femmes marocaines a l angleterre , au contraire je connais beaucoup des familles qui ont visitees le Maroc avec leurs enfants et elles ont bien aime ...More
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20 oct. 1970
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