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3 September 2007 20:00
I'M very curious to know if you're americans or english moroccans. I never have known them..
3 September 2007 22:04
Hey there!

Dutch Moroccan?? Does that count? winking smiley

What about you?
3 September 2007 23:50
I'm a Moroccan in North America
4 September 2007 18:50

I hope it counts. Yes, yes I live in Hollandsmiling smiley

Where do you live in America (USA or Canada, city?)
4 September 2007 19:59
Silver Spring, washington DC,
what about u where do u live in Holland?
5 September 2007 18:16
Silver Spring, washington DC,
what about u where do u live in Holland?

I live in a small city, called Breda. How is living in Washington?
5 September 2007 20:42
Expensive grinning smiley but I like it, I don't like cold weather too but it's okay, it's very nice and I never get bored there.
How about you? how is life in Breda?
6 September 2007 10:58
Kind of boring. Im glad that I study in a bigger city. more fun, you know. We also have cold weather here. Its always raining. Very depressingangry smiley
15 September 2007 09:02
I'm American
15 September 2007 09:18
I have ever been in Breda in the past to visit my family(cousins), and it's true that this city is very bored, noone in the streets,always grey sky. I prefer the north of Holland called "Friesland", I spent 2 months there 10 years ago, and I keep a very very good "souvenir" of this period, landscapes are beautiful. Breda is near a big nuclear site?
Cranberry, could you please describe us more details concerning your life in Washington, how american peoples feel regarding arabs and muslims there? thanx
16 September 2007 15:06
hi folks, very nice to see moroccans from everywhere, netherland, united states and london, so fun.

One of my bros said me that there is a moroccan street in London, with only people from northern Morocco yeahhhhh lol

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2007 03:08 by PICOLLO.
16 September 2007 15:13
the "most moroccan city" in united states is probably Detroit(Michigan).(tm)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2007 03:16 by PICOLLO.
16 September 2007 15:14
or NY??perplexe

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2007 03:15 by PICOLLO.
26 September 2007 01:12
so many reactionsgrinning smiley

And yes, almost everywhere in holland its grey and it rains a lot. This summer, almost no sunangry smiley

Thanx for your reactions!
26 September 2007 01:14
the "most moroccan city" in united states is probably Detroit(Michigan).(tm)

Really, I heard Detroit is a city (or is it a stat?confused smiley) with a lot of violence?

Do Americans hav problems with you being muslims?
26 September 2007 03:35
Yea you are correct, Detroit is a city in the state of Michigan.. Its well known for the violence. smiling smiley
27 September 2007 12:14
Yea you are correct, Detroit is a city in the state of Michigan.. Its well known for the violence. smiling smiley

Do you too live in Detroit?
27 September 2007 12:33
boessia if you wish to have an idea about detroit get the DVD 8 mile for Eminem, it shows the streets of detroit and how life is there quiet scary and a lot of violance and pauverety

you snooze you loooose eye rolling smiley
28 September 2007 22:52
boessia if you wish to have an idea about detroit get the DVD 8 mile for Eminem, it shows the streets of detroit and how life is there quiet scary and a lot of violance and pauverety

you snooze you loooose eye rolling smiley

thank yousmiling smiley, but iv already seen the movie. But i dont wanna believe it really is like that because thats just a movie....
29 September 2007 01:46
No no not really, I am italian-american with double citinzenship..Somehow I never call myself american, I am italian and that's it...
2 October 2007 00:58
No no not really, I am italian-american with double citinzenship..Somehow I never call myself american, I am italian and that's it...

Really? Because here it looks like everyone who goes to live in america or already lives there, immediately feels american, wether you're a maroccan, italian, or I dont know what...
24 October 2007 23:42

I hope it counts. Yes, yes I live in Hollandsmiling smiley

Where do you live in America (USA or Canada, city?)

Salaaam Boessia,

Alles goed meid? What a suprise to see Dutch Moroccans posting on this particular website, since 95% is French speaking!! Well i'm from holland as well smiling smiley I live in the Hague the residential City of's nice, but i prefer CASABLANCA!!!

Ive been in Washington D.C. last may...liked it. Especially the city center, nice monuments you have there. Been in NYC too, nice aswell. Long Island, Manhattan, Staten Island smiling smiley Time Square...had lots of fun there winking smiley There was a place in NYC, i forgot the name, walking trough it made you feel like you are in the middle of 'maarif' (city center of Casa) hahahaha....ALL MOROCCANS from Casa...

With all do respect to you Americans... Europe is a much better place to life.

25 October 2007 00:25
assalamo alaykom everybodysmiling smiley

i m moroccan ....and i live in morocco..never left it beforegrinning smiley
but i like speaking english ...and i would like to practice it so that s why i m here writing in english lol
25 October 2007 22:47
hi !!

Does anyone know Sweet briar in Virginia or lexington ( I don't know if I spelled it correctly lol) because I would like to go there next year for my "master" thanks
2 November 2007 04:00

This is the link to Sweet Briar college
3 November 2007 02:13
Salamsmiling smiley,

During my stay in the United States, it's true that people that I met felt more American than the other thing, it doesn't matter what country they're coming from. It's really something that I don't explain to myself because the mentality is so different in France.

I remember that a person become even excited, because I said that he was a South African. grinning smiley
It's very surprising. But I believe that it's necessary to live in US to understand them.
One step forward and two ahead...
4 November 2007 18:06
Nour el Ain

I hope it counts. Yes, yes I live in Hollandsmiling smiley

Where do you live in America (USA or Canada, city?)

Salaaam Boessia,

Alles goed meid? What a suprise to see Dutch Moroccans posting on this particular website, since 95% is French speaking!! Well i'm from holland as well smiling smiley I live in the Hague the residential City of's nice, but i prefer CASABLANCA!!!

Ive been in Washington D.C. last may...liked it. Especially the city center, nice monuments you have there. Been in NYC too, nice aswell. Long Island, Manhattan, Staten Island smiling smiley Time Square...had lots of fun there winking smiley There was a place in NYC, i forgot the name, walking trough it made you feel like you are in the middle of 'maarif' (city center of Casa) hahahaha....ALL MOROCCANS from Casa...

With all do respect to you Americans... Europe is a much better place to life.


Ja goed, alhamdoulillah.! Ik hoop met jou ook. Grappig om nou ineens Nederlands te praten.grinning smiley
But I would also like to go there some day, inshaAllah, to see how everything is there.I also heard many times that everyone (ok, not EVERYONEgrinning smiley) who came there as an immigrant, now feels american. I think that's weard, because I think that only when you're born there, you can feel totally American. I'm born in the Netherlands and I still don't feel Dutch for a 100%. may be it's because people don't see me as a Dutch girl, maybe it's me...I don't know.smiling smiley
11 November 2007 18:19
The folks who talked about Detroit, u obviously watch too much TV. U'r acting like Americans who refuse to go to Morocco because they fear getting kidnapped or killed. Detroit is not Eminem, Detroit is not 8 Mile, I've been living here for many years. Of course, if u get urself in trouble u can get hurt. Detroit, the city, is somewhat unsafe but when u talk about Detroit, u have to talk about the 'Metro area' which is quite different and quite segregated. Arabs live in one place, blacks in another, whites in another, Iraqi Christians in another, and so on and so forth.

To the person who said something about Moroccans in Detroit, I think u have it confused with Arabs. Detroit has a tiny Moroccan population, very tiny, however it has one of the largest Middle Eastern populations outside the Middle East - NOT Moroccans, I'm talking about Iraqis, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians...etc.

Don't get me wrong, if u read the statisctics, it has one of the highest crime and murder rates in the country, but a lot of that happens in unsafe areas with the drug dealers and all that. Yla kounti dakhel souk rasek, mayediha feek had.

Good luck,
11 November 2007 18:20
Detroit, Michigan breaking it down.
3 June 2008 20:33
i live in chicago its a great city even though we had an havy winter this year
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