Texans have a weird accent, si tu veux 3ourbia des US
Sorry for that I apology and I didn't mean to offend anybody here.Quote
Texans have a weird accent, si tu veux 3ourbia des US
Salam NYorkaise,
there is nice friendly peaceful 3roubia participating in this forum (i am one of them), they might be slightly offended,
No offence...
I think they have an accent, you can hear it in some of their movies, yes the Southernes have a heavy accent, I don't know if you see the movie"Fargo" the whole movie was playing in the snow,it was a crime and a detective a female who was trying to investigat about it...ect.Quote
dear l3roubi !
I had the pleasure to meet some real "3roubi" and these guys are proud when you call them that way. they dont get "offended"...
and yeah, I know about the Texans... but I never heard about a "Texas accent"... I can see a guy from Texas using strange (but friendly) words like "howdy"... but I dont call that an accent...
I dont know for sure...
ok... could you explain us your link with moroco ? have you ever been there?
i am not american but if you are american, i want you to tell your president to fo.u.t.r.e nous the peace.
thank you very much.