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20 July 2005 03:32
Why do we need a Fatwa to tell us that we should not strap bombs to ourselves and kill innocent people? Isn’t it the common sense that should? Doesn’t Islam clearly forbid that?
A Fatwa is needed when the Umma can’t decide on something BIG, complicated, social and/or political, but it’s a total joke to tell the world community today that we are issuing a fatwa to stop suicide and killing the innocents, as if it were always part of who we are, as if to do this heinous acts is part of the teaching of Islam. it’s ridiculous in my view to see a declaration saying WE, The Ulama of Islam in Britain, WE issue this fatwa: NO MORE SUICIDE FROM NOW ON, AND NO MORE KILLING OF INNOCENT PEOPLE!!! With all due respect for all Ulamas, what a joke in the face of every Muslim this fatwa is!

or Is it just me and I’m missing on something here?

Posted this on a different topic after I read Laure and volvofan posts. no plagiarism was intended…lol

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2005 06:06 by almotanabi.
20 July 2005 19:57
Hello almotanabi,

first execuse my English wet with french's words.

I think Fatwa is not a good response to eridate these terrorist but it could have a psychological impact, indeed.

You know fatwa can not avoid terrorist's actes as lows can not avoid criminal's actes.

We can found others ways to get at the end of this evil.

I hope you understand my deep thougt winking smiley

It's not easy for my to express my point of vue precisly, and especially in such matter and in english. because i actually don't master the english subtleties.

But i try hard. I hope the way is not long.
20 July 2005 20:48
Hello nabilnadir
Your English is fine and I do understand everything you wrote my friend.
But what bothers me is the fact that we use these fatwas recently for everything, you got a shia imam that issues fatwa in the morning to have another one from another group issuing another at night. I’m exaggerating here a bit may be, I know, but why for example no a fatwa from the imams in Saudi Arabia that says that oil money should go to the poor Muslims everywhere? And why not a fatwa in Kuwait that says that women have the right under Islam to vote and to drive in S.Arabia,
My friend, a fatwa to tell Muslims not to kill innocent people is an insult in my view, because historically, Muslims, may be more than others, protected civilians at times of war, fed the hungry and protected the rights of minorities like in the Andalus for example, where Muslim rulers gave rights and protected Jews and Christians from prosecution. But I also do see your point, in the fact that this fatwa could have a psychological impact, and I can only pray that it will.
keep writing in english, Moliere might be mad at you, but who

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2005 08:51 by almotanabi.
20 July 2005 21:39
nabilnadir Wrote:
> It's not easy for my to express my point of vue
> precisly, and especially in such matter and in
> english. because i actually don't master the
> english subtleties.
> But i try hard. I hope the way is not long.

I know exactly how you feel - I have the same problem on the French forum - but they are not so understanding over there! LoL.

20 July 2005 23:47
volvofan Wrote:
> I know exactly how you feel - I have the same
> problem on the French forum - but they are not so
> understanding over there! LoL.

is it time for a fatwa against them?

21 July 2005 01:44
Hello Almotanabi,

Fatwa is usually issued by Moufti. And like you say the fatwa comes only for big matters that society cannot decide. During our modern time, and particulary under the middle east conflict( palestinian/israeli conflict, iraq/iran war, civil war in lebanon etc...) several fatwas were launced by different imams and religious leaders. And not only, that people showed understanding for these fatwas; yet there were people willing to carrying them out. They were considered as religious laws, and derefor legitimate. So, the way I see it, it´s logic that only another fatwa can cancel a former one. Just the same way when a house of parlement by law can declare a state of war in a country, this state of war will be on until another law or declaration cancel it, or declare it over.

That´s at least the way I see it.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2005 01:45 by cali.
21 July 2005 02:54
Assalamu aleikum,

I understand what you mean about a fatwa being an insult to Muslims, nevertheless I think it has to be made absolutely clear to everyone that it is outlawed in Islam to become a suicide bomber, as unfortunately people are still misintepretting things and doing just this. It may be obvious to us, alhamdolillah, that this is not allowed but honestly you would not believe the number of people I have met who are more than slightly confused on this topic. Either they keep quiet on the topic assuming that the ones doing these things must know better or more than they do on this topic, or else they justify these tactics of others by talking about the atrocities that have been done to Muslims, and syaing well what else can they do to defend themselves. Both of these responses aren't very Islamic in my view, as we have an obligation to seek knowledge, particularly on such an issue as this, and nomatter what has been done it doesn't justify haram acts. If someone does honestly look into the topic they will find it is pretty clearly forbidden to kill yourself, and to kill indiscriminately, and to kill innocents, etc etc, and there is no clause stating is atrocities have been committed then it is somehow ok to go against this.

However, just for those who don't have the time, the motivation or the initiative to inform themselves, and non muslims who are getting the wrong idea from the media and those who aren't so well informed, I think a fatwa is absolutely essential to make things VERY CLEAR. If it saves lives and saves honest Muslims from committing terrible acts they will have to answer for, then it is worth it in my opinion.

21 July 2005 02:56
And definitely we should have a fatwa against intolerance of terrible written french ; )
22 July 2005 13:43
I think it's best to stick to the English forum - LoL - we are a much nicer lot than that lot over there, that's for sure, judging by some of the sh-t that pours forth from some of their mouths. If they are Moroccan it makes me feel ashamed.
22 July 2005 18:16
Hi Almot and all;

Haven't had much time to write lately...
I agree with you Almot on what you said.A fatwa is whatand how you and CALI define it above. However, if you look at the Term Fatwa as used by the media has changed somewhat and it no longer, in my view, carries its original meaning; therefore, it is now as an equivalent of a "DAHIR" or a "Bill" for lach of better comparison. One can add other words, e.g MADRASSA and Jihhad... these words as well lost the pure peaceful meanings...
I take it these are hard times on all levels, including LANGUAGE! last year some 10.000 new words were added to the English Dictionary, Source: NPR. ANd a majority of those have are neither from a Latin or a Germanic language!

To go back to the heart of the matter: Killing does not need a Fatwa in order to be denounced...No religion encourages Killings of inocent ppl that are not hurting you... but the act of Fatwa is more for those alien to the teachings of the Peaceful religion that's Islam.
IF that's what it takes for westerners to truely believe that not anybody who speaks arabic or happens to embrace the religion of Ismlam agrees with these barbaric acts, then let's have even more Fatwas!

Good day to all.
22 July 2005 20:47
I think we all seem to agree on the fact that fatwa is intended for solving big problems. also there’s agreement if what it takes to stop this madness is a fatwa, than yes, I joint you in welcoming it. But we have seen in recent years and heard about so many fatwas issued and yet the killing is still going.
I like the fact that you, yani, had mentioned other words such as madrassa and jihad, like fatwa, they’d been so abused and so taken out of contest that even Aicha Kandicha sounds friendlier.
I hope that in the future we’ll hear less and less fatwas about common sense stuff, and yes I accept and embrace the idea of fatwa if I know it could save even one innocent life or stop one young man from harming innocent civilians.

Salaam to all,

Oh..laure21 and volvofan, you’re right, we have the best group in the forum, no question about it let’s not issue a fatwa against the french side, but like yani said, a Dahir, that’ll scare them…lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2005 08:51 by almotanabi.
28 July 2005 20:20
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