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Do you forgive easily?
10 June 2008 14:02

To err is human, to forget divine... But If the pain is difficult to bear, how can you forgive and forget?
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
10 June 2008 14:16
I meant 'To forgive divine'
10 June 2008 14:20
I never forgiveevil and this is my worst atitud,I can tell to the one who hurt me it's ok nevermind but the relationship is already broken and maybe for ever,an example, i have a brother with whom i did no speak since 2004sad smiley
10 June 2008 14:28
Are you kidding??? You have not spoken with your own brother since 2004???? I know it's not my business, but I don't agree with you, you should go to him and let bygones be bygones...Life is short, you may have regrets...
10 June 2008 16:40
I always give people second chance but never the third. Family often can be pain in the back side, especially if they stick their noses where it’s not wanted. How many times can you forgive, forget and things don’t become a habit?
What I always say I don’t want anything from anyone just peace but if they prefer war so war be then.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
10 June 2008 16:46
Moul Javel,

As sweetlatifa said, it is none of our business, but not talking to your brother for that long, Wow Bye

the only thing i have to say is: LKHAWA RAH HADHA DANIA.
10 June 2008 16:56
I always give people second chance but never the third. Family often can be pain in the back side, especially if they stick their noses where it’s not wanted. How many times can you forgive, forget and things don’t become a habit?
What I always say I don’t want anything from anyone just peace but if they prefer war so war be then.

Do you reply to war by using war??? Can't you use more diplomatic ways?
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
11 June 2008 08:58
katikati & sweetlatifa thanks 4 your answers,

Almost all the time my relationtionship with my brother was bad or verry bad,it's like we say in Morroco,tane3tih el khobz lfommou w taye3tini el 3oud el3iniya,it's verry sad but it's like this,he makes me nothing more than problems in my life,i tried many times 2 forget and try 2 show him that i'm his brother and i do love him but the result was worst than i have imagined,and since we do not talk i'm realy in pace and i do like my situation now,my fathers sometimes tell me 2 call him but they also understand me.
11 June 2008 10:39
Salam Moul_Javel

i'll give my point of view if you don't mind ....

i think it is not a question of peace, but a question of responsibilty.. sure, it is not your fault but i think that nothing prevents you from keeping in touch and keeping distant at the same time, being in different locations will surely help...

Religiously speaking, it is called "FOJOUR", your case represents exactly this "capital deadly sin" (sorry) and believe me it's definitely not regarded as Charity evil

the Islamic point of view solves the issue by encouraging people to "look at other people from the eye of Mercy" literal translation...

This is off course theory and it is difficult to achieve such attitude but why not try...

"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
11 June 2008 15:30
well i do give few chances before i close the case & once its done its forever ...
11 June 2008 20:05
Salam everyone,

But life is too short so why do we keep living in the past? If to forgive is divine, how come it's so hard for us to do?

It may take time to heal and rebuild the trust, but When we forgive our loved ones we are also forgiving ourselves, and we are choosing love over anger and regret. And that is truly divine.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
12 June 2008 14:14
It depends on how one comprehends love; in my humble opinion, it is the multiplication of the utopian levels of trust and respect.
Should you drop one of the variables (respect or trust) love gets suspended all together for that particular moment. Hope I’m making sense.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
14 June 2008 02:44
I may forgive depending of my relationship with the person but I rarely forget about the incident.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2008 02:45 by ATAY_BE_LEQAMA.
24 June 2008 16:35
So then Sweetexlatifa

what was it did you forgive or you just forgotten about it.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 June 2008 16:53
Salam Adds,

Well I am too sweet to be hard on people, I forgive of course...winking smiley
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
25 June 2008 11:32

It is really relative to whom what and why. I will forgive only my mum for most things (she is in the category of who is allowed to make mistakes)
Being sweet is good asset but being too sweet is not;. Lots of people will try things to test your patience and your limits personally I have no time for such games.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
25 June 2008 15:27
I always forget and forgive ... sometimes I even find myself talking to people who hurted me badly !! I just forget the reasons... I even ask them ! Hey you, I shouldn't be talking to you now, yak !! Derti leeeya shee 7aja, sheno derti !!! ... I have no energy for blaming or hating someone!! there are more important things in life !!!
25 June 2008 16:23

It is really relative to whom what and why. I will forgive only my mum for most things (she is in the category of who is allowed to make mistakes)
Being sweet is good asset but being too sweet is not;. Lots of people will try things to test your patience and your limits personally I have no time for such games.


First of all, anyone can make a mistake , we are no angels...but just weak human beings...
Secondly, I forgive but then I think twice before trusting the person again...

And some sweetness in this harsh world will be welcome...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
26 June 2008 10:06
Some people make more mistakes than others perplexe Words, are only words sweet or bitter compared to deeds... Forgiving oneself is more important than frogiving others
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
26 June 2008 21:02

Sometimes,words have more impact that actions..Words can be like swords...You just have to learn how to use them...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
27 June 2008 00:29
I forgive, but never forget...

but what can we do? kill people when we are disapointed? ... last time i checked, it's illegal... (please warn me if it's not the case, i want to put some morons out of their misery)

and diplomacy is corruption...

Napoleon said that "in politics, fix the problem and dont look for revenge."

but revenge is important... people think twice when they know that you will take revenge. life is a game, and the rule of the game is that "life isnt a game".

we need more rock'n'roll in our lives... our lives a corrupt... people spread rumours about us, and we act like hypocrites and shake their hands with a big smile the next day...

absolute rubbish...
27 June 2008 10:15

Words will only hurt if one let them. Words mistakes are easily committed compared to acts as the latter can be planned.
The general rule, no one should make you feel inferior without your permission. Nothing is good or bad; thinking about it classify it to one of the categories, self talk if not controlled, works on that classification to drive the person to anger sate ; anger blurs the persons judgement and hence decisions…

My best regards are always the best
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
29 June 2008 12:54
i think it is part of human to forgive and not to do so . It depends on the mistake done against u if it is sth silly u don't need even to think about it if it is sth that hurts a lot it is matter of time then. for i 'll forgive easily be it whatever i think it is good to tolerat as much as one can people's mistake . if we don't do so we will be living in a isolation with no friends and thus a society that is seperated and distrbed . Furteher if one doesn't tolerate easily and quickly he or she will be sick i mean psychological problems.
thanks sweety latifa for the nce topic u alwayz launch on this forum
iam really want to know u more and if possible ur msn or email if possible
29 June 2008 15:21
i think it is part of human to forgive and not to do so . It depends on the mistake done against u if it is sth silly u don't need even to think about it if it is sth that hurts a lot it is matter of time then. for i 'll forgive easily be it whatever i think it is good to tolerat as much as one can people's mistake . if we don't do so we will be living in a isolation with no friends and thus a society that is seperated and distrbed . Furteher if one doesn't tolerate easily and quickly he or she will be sick i mean psychological problems.
thanks sweety latifa for the nce topic u alwayz launch on this forum
iam really want to know u more and if possible ur msn or email if possible

Thanks for the compliment...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
29 June 2008 16:30
no problem u r welcome take care
29 June 2008 19:11
salam everybody,i am a new member i welcome myself first ok. i v read two of your topics latifa: answer with sicerity and this one :really the choice of you topics reveals a lot thanks for your aimable caracter
29 June 2008 20:33
Salam Yassine,

First of all, welcome!

Thanks for your kind words.

Take care.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
29 June 2008 23:06
you are welcome my lady
4 July 2008 16:20
in fact it depends on who is that person who make us cry or feel frustrated in our life sometimes it`s better to give a second chance and see what is going to come after if nothing changes then things should be cleared and pointed to the end, who ever it can be eccept parents.

ina elleha ghafour rahim
4 July 2008 19:56
i do really agree with u Amal still people needs to tolerate each other and do accept pardons and excuses ok because we are human we can do hurt people one day and we may be hurt by others. so it is better to put up with peoples bad actions and let the ball in their fields and live in peace
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