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I am so happy that I want to share ..
16 May 2006 10:45
I am going home the 5th of june .. air ticket confirmed .. omg ! I missed al watan.

if anyone going too let me know
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
16 May 2006 14:44
Quelle chance!!!
16 May 2006 15:29
Have a wonderful time dear friend, but think of the rest of us when you're in front of chi tajine dial el kherchoufe.....
16 May 2006 15:42
Enjoy every moment of it, my friend. l3gouba lina koulna.
16 May 2006 15:54
Very good decision which will make your relatives very happy.
Time is running so fast, life is too short and any moment you can spend with your loves ones has no price.
How long will you be staying home ???
take care
16 May 2006 16:01
I driving there in the start of July, planning to stay there for 3 weeks.

hmm i will tell you guys about twajine, machwi , couscous hmmm ..
have nice day everybody.

enjoy your holliday l9bi7..
16 May 2006 19:47
well far beyond imagination .. 40 days exactly : wa man 3achara 9awman 40 laylatane sara minhom winking smiley so I want to regain that missed connection

for the touajen don't worry it was my condition first day there, will be a tagine of left ma7four waiting for me smiling smiley
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
16 May 2006 19:47
well far beyond imagination .. 40 days exactly : wa man 3achara 9awman 40 laylatane sara minhom winking smiley so I want to regain that missed connection

for the touajen don't worry it was my condition first day there, will be a tagine of left ma7four waiting for me smiling smiley

maybe aziz we can meet there winking smiley
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
16 May 2006 21:23
Wish we could drive there too!smiling smiley from the U.S that is!
Have fun Guys!
17 May 2006 06:06
actually it is 70 days .. got my confirmation and airplane ticket shipped today smiling smiley
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
17 May 2006 08:47
well far beyond imagination .. 40 days exactly : wa man 3achara 9awman 40 laylatane sara minhom winking smiley so I want to regain that missed connection

for the touajen don't worry it was my condition first day there, will be a tagine of left ma7four waiting for me smiling smiley

40 days, it means you decided to go back home for good.
or it is just a moroccan style holidays.
17 May 2006 10:36
ha ha ha lkrim smiling smiley

actually is 2 months and 10 days = 70 days

it can be both, i am going there and see, here i did not feel that good, no real opportunities and nobody to help .. got a job but was temporary ! so now it is all over

but i hope to see something good in the future ..
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
17 May 2006 18:05
70 days?
seventy days?
do you want to kill us Belfekssa?

besseha werraha assidi,
17 May 2006 18:14
This brings memories of the summer vacation (June/ July/ August/ Mid september September) The real breaksmiling smiley !!!

Enjoy your break;

17 May 2006 18:15
This brings memories of the summer vacation (June/ July/ August/ Mid september) The real breaksmiling smiley !!!

Enjoy your break;

18 May 2006 10:06
He he he .. I am so excited that I don't sleep anymore, I have only an exam to take, and to pass ! but still I cannot prepare ! coz simply my eyes are thinking about morocco.

for those who are interested in the fare price, they are actually very high ! but I got one fairly priced for 1200 USD out of pocket.

With air france from Washington DC to Casablanca

1st class from iad to paris (that was their gift)
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
18 May 2006 15:57
Salut thumbs up/ Hello everybody ,smiling smiley

First of all , it's such a great opportunity to participate among you on this interesting website which is about OUR SMALL TOWN MERNISSA.. here i'd like to thank the webmaster for creating this's such a good idea !!ClapClap plzz Go ahead it's a very good thing u have done ..i also want to thank all Friends whom participate from near or far , to help pushing our Forgotten Bled (Tahar-Souk) to go ahead and to be well known not just national , but international as well..
Before i pen-off , i wanted to say that after i read what most of wled lblad have written ..i was so happy to hear from them and that there are still thinking and remembering about their native(the motherTown)..Anyways,My name is Rachid EL MASSMOUDI ...i know most of friends on here but am not sure if you know me .. tongue sticking out smiley
Take care of urself and good luck.cio
18 May 2006 15:57
Salut thumbs up/ Hello everybody ,smiling smiley

First of all , it's such a great opportunity to participate among you on this interesting website which is about OUR SMALL TOWN MERNISSA.. here i'd like to thank the webmaster for creating this's such a good idea !!ClapClap plzz Go ahead it's a very good thing u have done ..i also want to thank all Friends whom participate from near or far , to help pushing our Forgotten Bled (Tahar-Souk) to go ahead and to be well known not just national , but international as well..
Before i pen-off , i wanted to say that after i read what most of wled lblad have written ..i was so happy to hear from them and that there are still thinking and remembering about their native(the motherTown)..Anyways,My name is Rachid EL MASSMOUDI ...i know most of friends on here but am not sure if you know me .. tongue sticking out smiley
Take care of urself and good luck.cio
20 May 2006 17:17
Hi broth !
Let me think...Do you really mean it when you say you're dreaming about Morocco? I've been dreaming about it for ages as I mostly grew up in Northern France appart from a few years' studies in England. Though, I don't dream of it anymore. Brother, Morocco isn't for Moroccans...Get me???
I've been driving down there once a year and spending at least one and a half months each time for 16 years. Still, Morocco is never changing (curuously, the twajiin do!?!). Well, not the buildings and infrastructure which is quiet moving ahead. In fact it's just like a blanket. Remove the blanket and discover what's under it.
My broth from the US, I do love Morocco and its History up to early 20th century. But I don't think it's a matter of dreams anymore.
I'm wondering why I'm building a house there...But that's probably because of my Moroccan blood...
Good luck in Morocco and take care!!!
21 May 2006 01:42
Enjoy your long vacation. I ve got the opportunity to see my parents they came for a visit so i dont see the point of going there now but next year for sure Inshaa Alah
The times may seem dark & gloomy... but I know I have it on me, to make it to brighter days --- never lose hope Diminished Ovarian Reserve FSH: 5.7 LH: 2 17-06-2009: C3 ultrasound 7 antral follicules
21 May 2006 04:17
Dear Shams-el-arab

the key sentence is : "I'm wondering why I'm building a house there...But that's probably because of my Moroccan blood..."

Morocco is full of "shit", excuse me for my term, but this is the best I have found to express my disguise over what happens there day to day.. the people are bad, but the land, the very first air I breath is one of the most important things that keep me hooked. This modernisation we talk about is just a shitty and dumb process (ppl trying to change the cultural and religious aspect of the country in the name of democracy.. spreading pedophilia, right to harm and alcoholism and so fourth( but the land is being compared to the state of california, size, geography and population wise.

But california if it was considered as an independant country, is considered the 6th most powerful in the world ! just after Germany !

Unfortunately, we never deal with the kernel of the issues, democracy for our dumbies, is the necessity to remove hijab, is the "coolness" to see naked women on TV. Poor peps ! they do not know that in US stations if obscenity occurs for example, the channel gets hammered by fines and law suits !

What I would like to restore back home if i was given the power to, is the judicial system, changing the inheritence law for me is just phobia among those people trying to change .. but they dont know to what !

Sorry I was a bit out of context but to summirize i dream about morocco not for the beauty of its law makers, but just to see the family, and why not try to settle there, coz if we dont sacrifice something for this country no one will.

Fabaraw: IT was a while we did not see u around ! welcome back winking smiley and thanks for your words
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
22 May 2006 16:38
l9bi7 thanks dear i have been very busy you know how it is in this countries dear no life none so ever .... but hamdou lilah my parents visit helped me a bit so i guess i have gotten a bit of strength to keep me going for another long year which will give me 3 yrs without visiting leblad. but i m happy for you dear enjoy it smiling smiley
The times may seem dark & gloomy... but I know I have it on me, to make it to brighter days --- never lose hope Diminished Ovarian Reserve FSH: 5.7 LH: 2 17-06-2009: C3 ultrasound 7 antral follicules
22 May 2006 21:48
Hi 19bi7, and everyone else,

Family is what it's all about you know. That' what I miss. Be good to your parents if they're still alive, God'll never let you down.
Sorry to start this, despite of my age, but I was the most loved one among my brothers because of what they were doing (no details) whereas I was plunged into my studies and trying to be as good as I could to both mum N dad (i.e: visiting them all the time, telling them a good word, taking them to Hajj...).That made them become very jalous. When my father died in 2002, everything changed. And because then I carried on being good to mum, they made a plot (the brothers) against me. And you know what??? I haven't seen my mother since september 2004!!! I was like "mummu d 'aineeha".
But thank God, I'm ok, I enjoy quiete a few things, I love my job... Whereas they don't do anything. Still I feel sorry for them cos they're my family. The worst is that we all live in France and England, but i never see anyone of them.
This is a bit of my personnal story...sorry if this is unusual...
22 May 2006 22:24
dear shams-al-arab,
my heart is really with you, i know how hard this must be on you, don't give up and keep asking ABOUT,and calling you Mom, yes, and your brothers, TOO, aLLAH YEHDIHOUM...You know he can in a second change people's hearts.
23 May 2006 02:16
i do agree with Almot call your mom go and see her dont let anyone and i mean no one come between you and the woman who brought you to this world i m sure her heart must be torn apart from not seeing you ... my dear life is too short and trust me it doesnt matter how great your job is or how wonderfull your life is ... there is nothing but RIDA ALWALIDIN ..... how many times we change jobs .... how many times we meet and lose people we love but then we get to meet others who might be better than what we had before but we can never have a new MOM, a brother, a sister nor a dad .... so dont let Shitan get between you and your blood and in laha ma3a essabirina ida sabarou ..... so koun enta essaber and get your mom back it is worth it wallah.

best of luck
The times may seem dark & gloomy... but I know I have it on me, to make it to brighter days --- never lose hope Diminished Ovarian Reserve FSH: 5.7 LH: 2 17-06-2009: C3 ultrasound 7 antral follicules
23 May 2006 07:58
salam all,

sorry to hear that shams al arab, but know that even if bad things happens between brothers you are in God's hand, family and parents especially are the most to be respected in our religion (Wa bilwalidayni ihssana)

u never know when khayro rabbi and where it gonna happen.

As for me, another great story to say : I got my gmat with above the score I wanted .. even if I did not prepare that much.. so i can have the smile until i get home

again back to the brothers jaleousy, hopefully it is not a great matter, since i am the oldest and the only guy so i try to keep control, by spreading adequate love and appreciation to all
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
23 May 2006 19:58
Salam, and thank you to all my new brothers and friends i can say,
Very pleased to read what you all wrote. I just swiched my machine on after a hard day at work with my students. It's now 0725PM in France. What shall i say...ummm....Fabaraw, what i mean by saying all that, is it's because of my good deeds to my parents that i can now enjoy what i am doing. I'm not necessary happy with the situation or trying to be proud of it, nor am i showing off, no, "A'udhubillah". It's really sad. I mean my brothers were so bad to me that they wanted me to end up in jail, yes, up to that point.. I've never understood why they did that whereas i was allways defending them although they were "guilty".
They used me for everything (don't you say : "no money, no honey"??). They wanted to destroy me while i've allways forgiven them. Now, they went to the most important person for me : my mother. I don't know how they did (well it started about money and of course, because she can't read...they went blablabla...), but i still wonder why she is denying me??
I was told that it could be "SIHR"...Allah knows better. And Allah knows that i've never cheated my mom.
But aern't they shayatin al ins??

Anyways i do thank all of you again because no one of you knows me, though you beleived me, and that reached my heart really.
I want you to know that no matter wether it is a man or a woman but when you need to cry, you just do and, I did this evening. And i promise to try and establish the contact back, I need du'aa'.

Barakallahu fikom,

By the way, congratulations 19bi17!!
Bissaha wa rraha wa tawl laamar.
23 May 2006 22:08
Brother shams-al-arab,
When you have a moment, go to this website, []
It doesn’t matter whether you are religious or not, and trust me, I do not need to know, relax and listen to sourat Yousuf, it will show you that after all bad comes good, it will put some peace also in your heart.
All English Yabs are with you,
Take care,
24 May 2006 05:15
shams al arab

thanks for the sweet words and acclamations. about your case, please notice that "Inna ma3a lyusri yusra, inna ma3a lyusri yusra"
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
24 May 2006 09:23
Dear Almot
Many thanks for the link
I always find a kind of peace listning to Abdel Basit Abdel Samad.
I am not religious but somehow It is deep in my heart and soul and under my skin.
My brain become completly passivated while my heart is highly activated, pure emotions
somehow there is a kind of revival of my lost religiosity.
thanks again dear almot

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2006 09:44 by Krim.
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