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1 September 2006 23:46
klick on this link an you can watch the moroccan movie,MAROCK for free


8 September 2006 22:40
hi there

i just wanna say thank you so much for sharing this with us here: i was desperate to watch the movie since so much fuss had been made around it, but couldn't find it here in europe (you know what it's like with moroccan movies: they almost never make it out of morocco). i really liked it.... so thank you and if you've got anything else, please don't hesitate: you'll sure have at least one person willing to watch! cheers
9 September 2006 18:21
You couldn find it in europe?
but it was released in europe first then in morocco!
9 September 2006 22:50
Is one of the movies that shows the bad sides of Morocco and Moroccans. the movie reminds me of Casa by night.

it shows too how jew are living happy in our beautifull country... I hate the movie and the crew behinde it.

9 September 2006 22:55
aziz_dk, those "jews" are Moroccans in case you've missed a few chapters of our country's history. If you have a complaint it should be on social grounds since the movie is mostly about how the elite lives, attacking a Moroccan because of his religious background is not how we were raised.
10 September 2006 21:52
yeah seriously i didn't find it here... well i live in england and no one had heard of it.... mind you, except for american movies, we don't hear much of what's going on outside of our borders.....anyway, it was a real treat
11 September 2006 13:16
dear chelhman, Religion is pack of values in our culture... and as Muslims, we follow it, even in Morroco, so yes, we judge people with their religion, because for some reasons, religions took a position on everything, and plenty of good values are hers... so please...

and i dont understand how you find this movie interesting, i fail to find the interesting part... oh? she is Muslim? oh, he is jew... OMG... the tragedy... seriously... who cares?

now let me tell you the story of the guy who stole a watch from his own brother... watch out, if you think Marock was interesting, then this story will be very very interesting evil

11 September 2006 21:17
sorry to say, le mask, but you're really missing the point here: it's your right to find the movie uninteresting, but if some other people found it interesting, it is also their right and you simply must respect that, instead of taking the mickey out of them. but then, i don't have the time or the inclination to teach you what respect is. and by the way, just because some people judge other people according to their religion doesn't mean that it is acceptable. the fact that this behaviour is widespread in morocco doesn't make it acceptable either. now it is also your right to dislike jews or whoever else doesn't live up to your standards, but please keep it for yourself, as this is a website for all, regardless of nationality, race or faith.
12 September 2006 15:38

I agree with you Lemask... I don't know why this movie, if we can call it "movie",makes so much noise ?????
12 September 2006 16:37
aziz_dk, those "jews" are Moroccans in case you've missed a few chapters of our country's history. If you have a complaint it should be on social grounds since the movie is mostly about how the elite lives, attacking a Moroccan because of his religious background is not how we were raised.

Exactaly they are Moroccans.. I never forget my country´s history, as the matter of fact they failed to learn some of our manner "to have a good heart"
should I reminde you of history!!
Jews were throwen out from spain.. who take them in .. morocco, algeria, tunisia..
Jews were having problems in egypt to go to palastina .. who help them Morocco..
so on so on .. i am not suppose to teach you history.

try to understand ..they are living in Morocco but we are not welcome in so many places own by jew..i have a felling you just know the virtuel Morocco. presented to you by the media.

PS. I have nothing against jew, they have so manything against us.
12 September 2006 17:00
aziz_dk, I actually know more than you think on the subject. Tell me exactly where is it you haven't been allowed by jews to enter in Morocco ? Except maybe in a synagogue.
I can tell you about Casablanca, I've never had any problem with them, they've welcomed me in their homes on many occasions in the purest of moroccan hospitality.
To me, a Moroccan is a Moroccan, end of story. That's how I was raised, that's how most Moroccans are raised.

Marock is a teen movie, it's a not a work of art, it's just entertainement. It got a buzz because of the moronic attacks from religious nuts back home who tried to ban it, that's all.
Like I said, it may have come as a surprise for some, but like in every country in the world, we also have an elite living in a cocoon. So what ?
12 September 2006 17:09
aziz_dk, please try and re-visit the history of our beloved country and you will find out that the jews inhabited Morocco long before the arab invasion!
I saw the film in France and thought, it is by time someone (film producer) had the courage to challenge those who prefer to live in denial of the relity og=f life in Morocco across the social, religious and age divide.
12 September 2006 17:20
You're right Cusano, jews have been among us for 3000 years, long before the islamization of the country. They're part of our heritage and they are extremely proud of being moroccans, here's an example :

12 September 2006 17:21

Marock is a teen movie, it's a not a work of art, it's just entertainement. It got a buzz because of the moronic attacks from religious nuts back home who tried to ban it, that's all.
Like I said, it may have come as a surprise for some, but like in every country in the world, we also have an elite living in a cocoon. So what ?

I agree with you ... this is nothing more than a teen movie, for not to say sitcom ! but here in France, I don't know where u are, there were meeting ("debat"winking smiley with young muslims (north africans), with speach like "you see they are also muslims and they live just like us in EU... so why do you want to be different if whom who living there are like us" !!!
This movie is a part of the past now but the problem is that the press shows it as a real vision of the morocan society ... this movie is on a part of the morocan society that
may represent 10% of the pop at all !

Sorry but I can't bear this kind of "raccourci"... there is too many we shouldn't give them more
12 September 2006 18:08
Kia, the debate in Europe is tainted by religion. The youngest generation of MREs whose social and political conscience was born after 9/11, have a distorted vision of religion and of our country.
Most of them seem to have discovered that they were rich people in our country, or that they were jews still living among us.
The movie is portraying an elite, and the character Yuri is from that elite. But I've met jews in Casablanca who were not that rich, who had to make sacrifices to send their kids to study abroad. They're not poor of course, but they were nowhere near able to compete with the fassi aristocracy living in Anfa or California.

For that young generation of MREs, the term yhudi is an insult, like it was used sometimes in Morocco as well. So Marock is a double shocker for them, not only there is an elite living the way they'll never be able to, but they are jews in their country, people they've been taught, in their crappy social projects (HLM), to blame for everything going wrong in the world. And to top that, they have the same green passport they have.

Keep in mind, who emigrates ? Who leaves everything behind in search of a better life ? We're not exactly talking of Sakharovs here fleeing for political reasons, they are the result of their backgrounds. Only a few in the 70/80's fled the country for political reasons, the rest left for bread. I should know, my father worked the mines in the north of France when he came.
But being stupid, bigoted and ignorant nowadays is a choice, because with the internet, knowledge is at the tip of your fingers. No one can stop people from learning and expanding one's brain.

I thought the youngest generation would make us proud, well I'm not holding my breath on that one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2006 06:18 by chelhman.
12 September 2006 18:34
here we go .. these talks are confirming the take over that jews are the first ones the be here in morocco, leading to a path that expopriation of the country to them would become easily legitimate in the near future. That's their way (intelligent way ..) of proceeding, breast feeding some puppets, that will create polemics we never heard such stupidity of; opening therefore horizons for colonization. Bravo !

Anyway this whole website has changed vision in these short two last years.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
12 September 2006 19:04
Like I said l9bi7, ignorance is a choice. The historical documentation is out there, google it, the historians and authors are not even jews.
12 September 2006 22:43
Like I said l9bi7, ignorance is a choice. The historical documentation is out there, google it, the historians and authors are not even jews.
i am not arguing this point, chelhman, so what if the jews were present before muslims in morocco ?

without need to go so far, I will tell u that jews were before muslims anyway ! all over the world.

were not aborigen indians before irish in the US ?

the point is whether or not they were in morocco, what matters and what gives us our identity now is the status quo !
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
12 September 2006 22:44

Despite i don't speak english very well but i wanna realy to debate in this subject.

I wanna to say that despite in the fact that the film gives a bad image on the Moroccan socitey but he

could reveal much thing which the majority do not dare to say : things like taboos. In spite of the

fact that Morocco is Moslem countries but at least Leila Marakchio dared to say the things as such

that it exists now in the street.

This is the truth of my beloved country that film revealed : prostitution in disorder, a minority

which profits, social misery...
12 September 2006 23:54


the point is whether or not they were in morocco, what matters and what gives us our identity now is the status quo !

Sorry l9bi7, I don't understand what you mean by "status quo" in relation with identity. Could you expand on that ?
13 September 2006 10:38
Chelhman.. the pbl is no the fact that there is a jew in the movie ! I know that there is jews in Morocco, there are moroccan as you and me.... this fact doesn't trouble me... it's normal !Where I come from (souss) there are jews villages, cemeteries etc... To me it's a part of the morrocan pop as there other communities !
I agree that sometimes somepeople used this "raccourci" for explaining all the troubles in the world and there life !But as you said Ignorance is a choice and I add it's a prejudice too .....

I9bi7, please we are no here to write the History once again... this has been already done !

The only thing that I can recognize to this movie is that it shows to some morocann living abroad that there is a part of the morocan society that have money and live without the common social pressions that exist there (and here) regarding religion etc...

13 September 2006 17:06
khadijaox81, you dont get it, i have nothing against the jews...
but for me, religion is personnal, if a muslim girl wants to marry a jew, it's her problem, and maybe the problem of her family... anyway... i dont give a damn, they just love to make these kind of stories to show a tolerant image of Morroco, or to piss off these scray hairy guys(Islamists)... dunno for sure...

and it's boring, i see movies to get entertained... and this movie is boring...

and they treated this movie like a huge event... and i dont understand, i saw plenty of muslim girl in Lebanon sleeping with christians, or even here in France...
we see that everyday, what? they want to show us that "it exists"... yeah yeah, whatever, i know that, i saw that already, bye thanks...

but to speak about the movie's topic, if a muslim girl is dumb enough to marry a non-muslim, i think that we shouldnt let her... because i really dont want to see some new generation of half-muslim half-X freaks...

geez, have some discipline, this romantic theory is really destroying our lives...

boys and girls? stop falling in love like idiots...
13 September 2006 17:17


but to speak about the movie's topic, if a muslim girl is dumb enough to marry a non-muslim, i think that we shouldnt let her... because i really dont want to see some new generation of half-muslim half-X freaks...

Yeaah ! Let's stay amongst ourselves like the Amish. While we're at it, let's all go back to muslim lands, close our borders, stop trading with the koffar, and keep breeding with each other until we're nothing more than a bunch of retards.
I'm going to slit my throat now, it'll be quicker and less painful.
13 September 2006 17:32


but to speak about the movie's topic, if a muslim girl is dumb enough to marry a non-muslim, i think that we shouldnt let her... because i really dont want to see some new generation of half-muslim half-X freaks...

born in a muslim family didn't mean that you are muslim !! To be muslim is something specific to each one of us...! In any case every one is free to marry who he want !!

I think that there is a misunderstanding between to be a Muslim and to be Arab !
13 September 2006 17:43
sorry, but on a religious basis, Arab means nothing... there is muslim and non-muslim...

Muslims follow a heavy law system designed to protect the woman...

and if a muslim man can marry a jew or a christian, it doesnt work the other way...

and who says that? it's NOT me, it's Islam... no, it's not racist, it's protective... to protect the muslim woman from a non-muslim...

non-muslims are out of our control, we have nothing to control them, so i can force a muslim man to treat well his non-muslim wife... but i cant do the same to a non-muslim toward his muslim wife...

do you get it now?

it's the system we live in, and if you dont follow this system, then you arent muslim...

so, Islam isnt genetic, it's in the ideology/intellectual side...

so, once a gain, a muslim girl would never sleep with a non-muslim... it's by definition...

i think that you should learn a little about your own religion before talking...
13 September 2006 18:02
Thank you for your precisions Lemask, but don't worry for me I know my religion very well, you can't judge someone on the basis of his reactions.

If you read well what i wrote you should read that I didn't say that it's normal that a Muslim girl marry a non Msulim guy... I know our right (girls) in Religion, but I wrote that to be born on a muslim family didn't mean that you're muslim... you are free to choose your own life !

To me religion is not genetic... and even if a Muslim girl choose to marry a non Muslim it's her problem she must assume her decision... I am not here to judge anyone ! He is the only one that can judge us ...

So please be so more self confident winking smiley

13 September 2006 18:07
LeMask, then explain to us how it is that women's rights are far better in Western societies than they are in any muslim country ?
As to learn more about religion, I know that you're applying 10th century rules and logic to 21st century societies, that's the root cause of your ideology.

There's a post here about the inability to reform muslim societies, your attitude fits right into what I'm saying.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2006 01:56 by chelhman.
14 September 2006 08:47
I, like many wanted to see this movie so bad months ago. Up on my return from morocco, I pulled it first from the pile of 10 DH DVDs I brought with me, even before watching J'ai vus tuer Ben Barka, a film I wanted to see more then any thing this year. But after I did, I was left wondering, where is the meat? What all the noise was about? I actually felt I could’ve used the time to see something more interesting. I totally agree with chelhman who pointed out that it’s a movie for teenagers; it’s too bad it gave an opportunity to fanatics to attack a group of Moroccan citizen because they happen to be Jews. To those people I say, a Moroccan is a Moroccan, Muslim, Jew or Christian, yes, you like it or not, there are Moroccans who practice these religions, fanaticism and intolerance is just going to drive the numbers up, wake up, it’s morocco you live in, where Jews and Muslims co-existed for centuries, and we are not talking about Israel here, we have different view on that of course, you always seem to enjoy mixing the two, and that is just not fair for a Moroccan citizen.
Finally, not my kind of movie at all, but I applaud Laila Marrakshi for pushing the red button and pulling some hair from some long beards.
14 September 2006 17:39
moi c'est une fille de 18ans jaime le chat bq
15 September 2006 02:25
Well LeMask talked about women's rights in Islam in the religion and not in a specific country or society.

I think there's a misunderstanding between religion and society.

if you come to talk about societies then I think you know that there are bars and pubs opened everywhere in morocco.People get drunk,get high, and so on... that was just a simple example to show you that even though a country is "muslim" it doesnt really follow what's written.
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