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why moroccan women marry western white tourists?
22 April 2008 05:23
i have been to maroc many many many times as i have my family living there. i am from a very modest simply family but i was surprised and schocked to see so many young moroccan girls holding hands of these filthy old white western tourists and walking around freely in the souks and markets. i went to the beach and I was ashamed to see so many moslum moroccan girls dressed in bikinis and showing off their bodies like theres no tomorrow and no fear of allaah. i asked my cousin fatma who is married and has two kids (she's married to moroccan of course).she told me that I havent seen anything yet bro.....she told me that girls and women today in maroc are openly marrying these filthy white western tousists when they come for vacation and from the internet. they dont care if they are moslums or not but all they care about is a marriage. but those western tourists must become moslum before they can marry a moroccan moslum girl. it is shame for all moslums and specialy for the moroccans that we're letting our sisters out in the streets with the kuffaarrr and the haters of islaam. she also told me that almost every single girl now in morocco has an online profile for dating and marriage and their target is always most of the time to get some westerns. my question is WHYY WHYY WHHYYY WHYYY arent they afraid of god? arnet they moslums? whats the government doing about this? are they just waiting for the punishment to come from allah? allah had destroyed very nations before the times and could do again very easily if the situation in maroco goes tooooo wild.GOD BLESS MY MOROCCO amen
22 April 2008 07:48
Dear sir;
I see that you hate westerners as much as you say they hate Islam. Hate+Hate= more hate.The girls that you say are doing those those things, have the right to choose what they want for their lives. It's not up to you to judge them. That's god's businness. You seem to take over his commands; did he quit his job and assigned it to you? Let me know where you are so that I'll face that direction for prayers. I can see you are the type of god that will send obscene blessing to me.

have a good day. Even if your plan is to hate and promote hate. I love you.
22 April 2008 11:19
hi all,
well Mr "vvvTTTvvv00", u said that u were surprised and shocked to c wot u 've seen in some places, let me tell u that those things r very normal nowadays in morroco, and i agree with u, they just dont feel ashamed of their sins and they know that, but let me tell u as Mr Interprete said, they r free to choose their way of living, each one will pay for his own sins and hates only brings hates, i mean if we want to change a situation we should do it in d correct way, in other words, we can't correct a fault by another fault. Hope u understand it. salam
22 April 2008 11:54
You weren’t at the beach warring jalaba and head down? But you went there “tas7hi a3winatak” to irrigate your dried eyes. Did you follow the code: first sight is free and the second is a sin or was it just one long sight lasting one and a half hour? The creator,
Almighty Allah doesn’t judge anyone on earth he just wait till the day of resurrection. Why do you have to judge and criticise other and further more call yourself Muslim.

Beaches in Morocco are gorgeous all over the country and have been like that for as long as I can remember. There is no doubt that your little town should be on my list to visit.

You are not telling the full story; what is really bothering you?
You can talk to me confidentially in private or through the forum.


Adidas Best one sight glasses
Free confidential professional counselling to all Moroccans
[email protected]
22 April 2008 12:38
Well ,this is not new & its always was & will be its a result of globalisation ! so like any thing else people are free .............+ what you talking about are transactions like any others in the markets or souks

Like any other commodities some humans are there for export ! & this is a fact of life ,buyers come to sample them locally others prefer to secure a piece & leave it there & pop over to it (made easy with the free skies ) while some opt to take their merchandise with them ....
Do not forget some men are also at it equality in everything .....
22 April 2008 13:31
So, basically we're talking about mixed marriages. The same hateful speech given by any European towards Moroccans in Europe would provoke outrage, editorials, boycotts and of course the support of the targeted community...but somehow racism backed by religious beliefs seems to glide through the conversations without rising any eyebrow.

Why is it that some feel responsible for the salvation of these girls ? Who gave them that task ? Religiously speaking, everyone's responsible for his/her sins, so it can't be backed by religion.
I find that concern over women's welfare to be hypocritical given the way they generally treat and view women.

Looking at the bright side, all those mixed marriages will, in the next 15 years, produce loads of mixed children, with hybrid cultures, running around and challenging the moral status quo. Now that's gonna be fun to watch...
Come to think of it, religious militants do have a reason to worry...smiling smiley
22 April 2008 14:48
thanks everyone for their responses but once again i am so much disapointed by reading all of your comments and answers to the post. everyone seems to be dogding the real problem and getting straight down to their own beleifs. the realy problem is being ignored and the liberal ideas are prevailing this forum which has a negative impact on our youth today in maroc.
why noone cares to understand that allah made it haram for moslum women to marry the kuffar?why did noone even thought of that before answering my real question?
why noone cared to answer the fact that morocco is a state which is governed and ruled by the filthy foreigners who want nothing better for the moslums of morocco?
if you dont recall, alllah punished many nations before for going astray.and gods punishment cannot be handeled by a human in this life or in the hereafter life.
so please open up your eyes my moroccan brothers and sisters and order ur wifes daughters sisters women to respect islam and wear the hejaaab and long cloacks to hide from the kuffr and stanic deeds.
22 April 2008 14:59

order ur wifes daughters sisters women to respect islam and wear the hejaaab and long cloacks to hide from the kuffr and satanic deeds.

Thanks for the tip, I'm on my way to do that right now...right after I get a lobotomy. By the way, is it alright if I slap them around ? just a little bit ?
22 April 2008 17:24
those you are calling kouffar are 2ahlo al kitab they had theirs before ours mate. Please show some repect to my wife.

22 April 2008 17:39
i have been to maroc many many many times as i have my family living there. i am from a very modest simply family but i was surprised and schocked to see so many young moroccan girls holding hands of these filthy old white western tourists and walking around freely in the souks and markets. i went to the beach and I was ashamed to see so many moslum moroccan girls dressed in bikinis and showing off their bodies like theres no tomorrow and no fear of allaah. i asked my cousin fatma who is married and has two kids (she's married to moroccan of course).she told me that I havent seen anything yet bro.....she told me that girls and women today in maroc are openly marrying these filthy white western tousists when they come for vacation and from the internet. they dont care if they are moslums or not but all they care about is a marriage. but those western tourists must become moslum before they can marry a moroccan moslum girl. it is shame for all moslums and specialy for the moroccans that we're letting our sisters out in the streets with the kuffaarrr and the haters of islaam. she also told me that almost every single girl now in morocco has an online profile for dating and marriage and their target is always most of the time to get some westerns. my question is WHYY WHYY WHHYYY WHYYY arent they afraid of god? arnet they moslums? whats the government doing about this? are they just waiting for the punishment to come from allah? allah had destroyed very nations before the times and could do again very easily if the situation in maroco goes tooooo wild.GOD BLESS MY MOROCCO amen

if u want me to answer you, u should before answer to my question

why young moroccan boys marry western white women ?
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
22 April 2008 18:38
This thread looks very familiar winking smiley
22 April 2008 20:45
you must have a reason to slap them.not just cos u feel like it.........
22 April 2008 20:47
yes they are 2ahl kitb but only man may marry a 2ahl kitb woman.
and woman MUST NOT marry a non-moslum man even if he is 2ahl kiteb
22 April 2008 20:50
if u want me to answer you, u should before answer to my question

why young moroccan boys marry western white women ?

you asked me a very good question why these little punks in maroc dying to marry these western tourists women off the internet or at the beaches and bars and clubs.
answer is simple and you already know the answer. first of all they have no fear of allah because a marriage is not something u do for fun but to practice religion and obey god/allah. so thats one!
second...........they are desperate to see white western skin in their arms....
third............poor education and NO ISLAMIC culture at all in maroc has destroyed our youth in maroc.

hope this helps
22 April 2008 21:14

“It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a kafir (non-Muslim), whether he is Jewish, Christian or an atheist because the man has authority over his wife, and it is not permissible for a kafir to have authority over a Muslim woman. There are decisive texts from the Qur’an which refer to the prohibition of such marriage. For example, Allah Almighty says, “And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al Mushrikun (atheists) till they believe (in Allah Alone)” (Al-Baqarah: 221)
And “And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers” (An-Nisaa’: 141)
22 April 2008 21:20

you must have a reason to slap them.not just cos u feel like it.........

So IT IS allowed, and all this time we were fooled by those satanist laws that protected women...
What century did your say your were from ?

By the way, welcome to this forum, it's been a while since we had one of you stopping by. This is definitely gonna be fun. Tell us more about those kuffars and how they lure us into thinking we weren't allowed to kick our wives in the teeth and dressing them like crows...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2008 09:23 by chelhman.
22 April 2008 21:56

“It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a kafir (non-Muslim), whether he is Jewish, Christian or an atheist because the man has authority over his wife, and it is not permissible for a kafir to have authority over a Muslim woman. There are decisive texts from the Qur’an which refer to the prohibition of such marriage. For example, Allah Almighty says, “And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al Mushrikun (atheists) till they believe (in Allah Alone)” (Al-Baqarah: 221)
And “And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers” (An-Nisaa’: 141)

Kafir means not a non-muslem, Atheist=kafir. Do youR homework plz.
22 April 2008 22:00
Kafir means not a non-muslem, Atheist=kafir. Do youR homework plz.

whoever u may be if u are a moslum or a non moslum or a man or a woman. why do you deny the fact that you know exactly what I am talking about and that words are NOT mine it is from allah that moslum woman shall NEVER marry a man other than a moslum man then why are you making false ideas to peoples?
22 April 2008 22:02
***.....brothers and sisters.....***

Why is it so hard for you to beleive that marrying our moslum moroccan sisters in hands of western tourists is not a big deal?
22 April 2008 22:48
if u want me to answer you, u should before answer to my question

why young moroccan boys marry western white women ?

you asked me a very good question why these little punks in maroc dying to marry these western tourists women off the internet or at the beaches and bars and clubs.
answer is simple and you already know the answer. first of all they have no fear of allah because a marriage is not something u do for fun but to practice religion and obey god/allah. so thats one!
second...........they are desperate to see white western skin in their arms....
third............poor education and NO ISLAMIC culture at all in maroc has destroyed our youth in maroc.

hope this helps

let me tell u something, muslim boys are not intereting by morccan girls, cause they are poor
to mary her needs money, to got a job, car and home.
in morocco there's no job for someone who is not graduate, even if you have a master or doctorate, the supply dose not answer the demand in work market

for all these reasons, moroccan man prefer go out of their country and marry western women

wath s happen then, these girls start thinking like those men

waiting a muslim one is to hard..

to marry a muslim one is more difficult, there's no futur for them

the solution: is try to find a western wictim old men

PS: i m very bad in english
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
22 April 2008 22:55
.....for all these reasons, moroccan man prefer go out of their country and marry western women

wath s happen then, these girls start thinking like those men

waiting a muslim one is to hard..

to marry a muslim one is more difficult, there's no futur for them

the solution: is try to find a western wictim old men

PS: i m very bad in english

my good friend islah i really enjoyed reading your answer to my post and you really make good sense and I understand your opinion very well.......................but still it did not answer why moroccan women have so poor ill educated NON-ISLAMIC NON-MOSLUM thoughts that she would even consider marrying white western tourists.......????? doesnt matter how hard and difficult it is to find a good husband a moslum woman should NEVER look at or even think of getting married to a non-moslum man. shame on maroc shame on their parents shame on islam and shame on their families who let their daughters in hands of filthy white western tourists.
23 April 2008 00:38
but still it did not answer why moroccan women have so poor ill educated NON-ISLAMIC NON-MOSLUM thoughts that she would even consider marrying white western tourists.......????? doesnt matter how hard and difficult it is to find a good husband a moslum woman should NEVER look at or even think of getting married to a non-moslum man. shame on maroc shame on their parents shame on islam and shame on their families who let their daughters in hands of filthy white western tourists.

did u try to ask her ?

did u try to help her ?

there s a lot of reasons, especially the finacial one, when some girls don't find what to eat, no job, and no husband to protect her

It's normal to find her in this situation

le pophète sws a dit : ma ma3nah (kada lfa9ro an yakouna kofran)
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
23 April 2008 02:55

there s a lot of reasons, especially the finacial one, when some girls don't find what to eat, no job, and no husband to protect her

It's normal to find her in this situation

still does not give her reason to disobey allah.there are cuntrees where women are much more poor than womens in maroc. for example women in afghanestan and womens in palestine. how come they are not marrying the tourists or kuffar?
so my good friend. your answers do not make any sense and doesnt hold value as a defence for moslum womens of maroc.allah be pleased with all amen
23 April 2008 03:14
still does not give her reason to disobey allah.there are cuntrees where women are much more poor than womens in maroc. for example women in afghanestan and womens in palestine. how come they are not marrying the tourists or kuffar?
so my good friend. your answers do not make any sense and doesnt hold value as a defence for moslum womens of maroc.allah be pleased with all amen

you asked before, why their family don't do anything ?

i ll ask you why men do nothing for her, ( father, brothers, uncle etc...)
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
23 April 2008 03:14
still does not give her reason to disobey allah.there are cuntrees where women are much more poor than womens in maroc. for example women in afghanestan and womens in palestine. how come they are not marrying the tourists or kuffar?
so my good friend. your answers do not make any sense and doesnt hold value as a defence for moslum womens of maroc.allah be pleased with all amen

you asked before, why their family don't do anything ?

i ll ask you why men do nothing for her ? ( father, brothers, uncle etc...)
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
23 April 2008 03:28
you asked before, why their family don't do anything ?

i ll ask you why men do nothing for her ? ( father, brothers, uncle etc...)

sorry but it still does NOT NOT NOT answer the question and is not a valid reason for a woman to become a sex object. the answres and reasons ur giving me are totally illogical and does not make sense to me or anyone.
basically you are telling me that tomorrow when you have a daugther and when you are retired and have no work and have no other sons or family members, u will let you daughter go out in streets and become prostitute? or let her marry a western kuffar?
23 April 2008 03:35
sorry but it still does NOT NOT NOT answer the question and is not a valid reason for a woman to become a sex object. the answres and reasons ur giving me are totally illogical and does not make sense to me or anyone.
basically you are telling me that tomorrow when you have a daugther and when you are retired and have no work and have no other sons or family members, u will let you daughter go out in streets and become prostitute? or let her marry a western kuffar?

first of all, it s too hard to me to explain my ideas in english angry smiley

all what u said is not a reason, and i ask Allah to protect me and my futur daugther inchallah

but u forgot something important, there s some girls who marry muslim western men tongue sticking out smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
23 April 2008 05:30
I think Allah already punished you by making you IGNORANT. KADA AL JAHLOU AN YAKOUNA KOFRAN.
Did"t you say in previous post that those Westerners converted to Islam? La farka baina Arbein wal Ajamaine illa be TAKOUA. So these nobles are now moslems. What is your problem? I guess you were rejected by a mouslim girl. Maybe it is for your your behavour. You attitude . What kind of a woman will accept such hateful, jealous, racist that gives Islam a bad name?
Ignorance is a deasease. Reread the Koran man. Maybe you will feel the love in eat. I bet you there is more mouslem man married to wsterner GIRLS than mouslims girls married wetern man. That's Ok hey macho man!
Brother if they accept your kind in DJENNA. I want hell, rather than be you neighbour.

Create a good day.You don,t need to change nothing, but yourself and you'll see the light. You may even score....There is hope.
23 April 2008 06:40
Thank your for your compliment.
If you reread his post: He says that thes tourists converted to Islam. Then what is his Problem. Please reread my second post and let me know about my quote:

23 April 2008 07:14
Thank your for your compliment.
If you reread his post: He says that thes tourists converted to Islam. Then what is his Problem. Please reread my second post and let me know about my quote:


thankU 4 note
you are another one here we go again. ya they convert to islam ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF MARRIAGE THAT IS NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT ACCEPTED IN ALLAHS EYES.he only converting just to get marryied in maroc becuase laws dont allows moslum womans marry kaafr.allah guide U
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