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please help
22 April 2008 13:14
ha i am a moroccan came to england only a week ago .i got married to a 22 years old girl i know her from the internet we managed to get the visa only a wwk ago and when i am in uk now she sais she is not happy any more and she wants to be aloune haaaaaaaaaa what a joked .now i am stuck here no work i dont know no one no money so i am seriously stuck and i dont know what to do ????????????????? whose the selfish nowwwwwwwwwwww
please if any moroccan here can help please i need it i work or anything in london please and i dont have no where to live for the moment i am lucky that her parents are nice with me they told me to sray with them till i sort it please if some one can help i will be so geatful
22 April 2008 14:49
salam go back to maroc
22 April 2008 17:34
you r still young, try to restart your life there, or come back to your country eye rolling smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
22 April 2008 17:49
mhtaj li 3awni i need help some ome a real moroccan who has been to like this and understands it and can help please
22 April 2008 20:57
mhtaj li 3awni i need help some ome a real moroccan who has been to like this and understands it and can help please

dear brother.i am real real that i let my sisters go out in the streets alone wearing short clothes and let them marry kuffar openly in the streets.
take my suggestion my good brother and go back to morocco thats where you belong to. you need some spiritual healing and thats all i can say. life in UK is very hard for a person who doesnt know anyone and has no job.
where are you living these days? r u in hotels?
i know my family there who can help you brother please tell me in PM if u like
25 April 2008 18:10
I can't help you ...i'm very far from you, but if you find any "Jame3" you will Ask him a help and take care, God bless you
Sincerly yours . good luck
26 April 2008 02:00
Hi brother,

I would suggest you find a convenient & suitable solution with your ex-& maybe future wife. After all, you have left Morocco just for her!

If you are looking for a job, here you have some moroccan restaurants contact details in London. Just call them, maybe they are looking for people to work. "nta-w-zahrek!"

1. Restaurant MIMOUZA / Tel : 0208 743 2200
2. Moroccan Tagine / Tel : 0208 968 8055
The people who are managing these restaurants are all nice moroccan people! Hope this will help!

otherwise, the other advice I can give you is to seek help in a mosque should you need a place to meet honest people or even a place to eat for free, and of course listen & learn a lot about religion!

finally, if the situation is getting worst (no job, no family...) it would be better for you to go back to Morocco, and I know this is very dificult to do as you probably already thought about what your familly & friends in Morocco will say, should you make a such decision! But my advice is that you think first "what is good for you?" before you think about what people will think about you!

Good luck!
26 April 2008 12:05
azul taamzirt,
i find it really hard to believe that the lad has left you without a reason.About the work i guess that you will find a work since you are legal and you have your permanent should bear in your mind that in UK there a lot of illegal immigrants who have win jobs easily.what i suggest is to consult the internet and look for a job and i am pretty sure you will find a job.
allah will help you inchallah just pray for Him.
yours agntif76
26 April 2008 20:31
Who's this clown who uses the pseudo of VVtttZZz or whatever?
If you have nothing to say, don't go on with stupidities and ignorant remarks. Since you seem to be stuck on Religion, you are Either an ignorant Muslim or a HATER of ISlam. In either case, you're giving a bad image. Shame on you!

Now: to the brother looking for help: THis is just another test for you. Stand up and don't give up just because of this bump! Girls are everywhere and work, no matter what it is, as far as it is honest and legal, go for it. Morocco should be your last resort.

Whatever you do, don't bow down and surely don't show too much weeakness, idiots might take advantage of you!
BEst of luck
29 April 2008 14:28
salam chokran thanks for those who tried to help i ammow in london with a friend i amlooking for a job now thanks if some one know some thing a work or somthing please tellme thanks to all bye
29 April 2008 21:07
Don't forget Education. You still young and try to enrol on a course and I am 100% sure this will help you a lot in the shorter & longer term. Like Yani said, don't throw the towel yet - some of us started in this country in worse situation than you probably. Are you ok in terms of food, clothes etc? PM
29 April 2008 21:35
Site 4everything

Well done ,to ask the obviuous questions & offer your help

I'am also available to land a hand & ready to answer your call on PM
30 April 2008 11:01
Do you have your National insurance number? If you do you can work legally for good money without having to play hide and seek game further more employers will respect you better. If you haven’t email me; If you have a proper visa and you are allowed to work you can request the NI number from Victoria directly (it used to be there I am not sure if they have changed the place). With your NI number you don’t need to work in restaurants or do any gofer job. Without it you can’t be fussy I am afraid. Good point about the education; a poxy job will feed you a bit for a while but education will feed better food for the rest of your life.

Best wishes to all of you.
30 April 2008 15:54
hi all thanks again for all .i now i have a place where i can stay for a while till i find a job and thanks i have some money i can bay my food. i am just still looking for a job i have found nothing yet and a bout the National insurance number i dont have it i thought i wont have it till i already have a work .i am allowed to work here . and i am legal .
2 May 2008 21:50
First of all if u r located in london u won't find many difficulties to find a job there r lots of opportunities overt there !! U just have to show yoour motivation and be ready to work hard (have a look at the adds through magazines, web, or u can even leave a cv or fill up an application form)

U will sort out the rest of your problems (accomodation) once u'll find a job.

Good luck to you life over there is expensive and not easy !!
[b][center]Forumer tue ![/center][/b] [color=#CC0066]PDG Yabiladi News Flash - Présidente Association Touche pas à mon Moche - Oscarisée Meilleure Berguegua Membre du Comité des Saintes Kitouches et des Ni Hmara Ni Bagra[/color]
2 May 2008 23:30
Brother if you were in the united states I would have helped you. Sorry. If you decide to come to the USA let me know, u own few businesses here and i m always looking for good people to help me and help themselves.
Good luck.
6 May 2008 13:51
salam hi all. mmmmm please i am still looking for a work if any one here moroccan or arab know or have seen some thing please can you tell me i am sososoosososos tired i have been evey where cant find nothing yet .urgent please
6 May 2008 22:46
What can you do or feel you can do? What is your background back home?
7 May 2008 17:21
well i can do any thing kitchen porter cleaning as a start i have experience in computers reparation but any way anything .i am still looking hope i can find some thing soon cause some people take my number phone and tell me we will call you when we need some one .
16 May 2008 14:31
Sorry about what you are going thru and I'm so far away I can't be of much help exept for an advice. When you applied for the visa. She or some relative of hers had to be responsible for your room, board etc... I believe that also includes repatriation in case things don't get better for you. Explore this avenue
You can't be responsible for someone , bring him to a different surroundings and turn him loose under any law.
Love always
22 May 2008 23:16
Hi there,

If I can advise you, why don't you turn to some associations helping foreign people? I mean, it would better for you, it's not easy being away from one's own environment and close circle...

Hope this helps,

Good luck and faith in Allah
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
23 May 2008 16:16
well thanks for your advice .but i dont think that there is any asociation here in london that might help really or i would know.any way up to now i am kind off fine but still in loads of problems .i found a work and i am living with a moroccan.i i am trying to sort out my insurence number and its still hard cause i am not renting and i dont have yet money to rent and i have the same problem with making a bank acount so i am still stuck . any ideas will be good thanks to all
2 June 2008 06:59
Thank you friend. You confirmed my belief. The guy is a total idiot, ignorant and a disgrace to Islam. I don't know how they let him post on this forum.
Allah Ye hefdek ya akhi
2 June 2008 13:48
hadak akhoya mrid fraso he is not normal
26 June 2008 18:20
i remember when i came to europe 12 years ago i knew no one, and above all i don t even speak italian( because it was in italy that i found myself) though beeing a BA holder t5hat is in morrocan language LICENCE en langues etrangers. so the first thing i did is to seek AIT tMAZERT iSHLHIN. i am sure if you are ASLHI and speak it , all you gonna do is seek ishlhin. they gonna give you a hand. I am sorry i can t helop cause i am in ITALY, if you are here i would have done something but now TEK f LLh there would be persons who can help . SO go TO the MOSK and there ask people .
only in mosks you can find good people,
Don t hear those people who says you have to go back it s not a good idea. I ve been a high school degree holder and in morocco nothing to do. i even wrote to ministre de l interieur i ve done so many concours which in fact are just kwalb ammma nothing at all.
any way god only can help you . go to mosks seek Allah.
2 July 2008 13:55
hi brother am moroccan as well just come to england 3 weeks ago you know it s not easy i got married to an english man he used to say so many things but when i came it s all de la merde are lucky to be in london me am in a small city where they all know each other, my advice to you is to look for a job i know that there is so many moroccans in london they can help you, and since you can use internet look for a job send ur cv go out and hand it to what ever campanies,shops,cafes do not stay at home show that lady that she will never win over you and make of you a jocke.
ellah i3awnek
3 July 2008 15:46
merci thanks a lot i already found a job and i am fine at the moment walhando lilah i found a job in a good restaurent cause i can speak english and frensh .sorry for what happned to you too hope you will be fine .god help you at least me i am a man at the end if i sleep in the street its fine for a woman its not good hope you will be fine
4 July 2008 16:16
Am doing with it now and trying to find a job as well and it`s not easy coz i wear hijab but i need to find a job wherever and however, i need to call my family and have of there news they cant afford to call me all the time my parents do not work.
Elhamdolilah 3la ko;li hal if i knew anyone in london i would have give you his phone number to be in contact with him but i don`t really sorry, what you need is more saber saber saber, and inshaellah everything will be good this is what i say to myself.
ellah elmo3ine
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