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the secret story of the western sahara
14 April 2006 21:39
visite this site an see the the pix of the western sahara

14 April 2006 22:39
15 April 2006 00:24
Agree with you Yani, there are many websites like this one, but they could do nothing to change the fact that the Sahara is Maghribiya,,,,walaw kariha ?? ???????.
Salam to you,
21 April 2006 08:50
i have to say that the web site is over the edge. nobody can come in here today and say the the sahra is not moroccan. I'm not mad but all the things that the morrocan government did for the sahara. I've been there and trsut if it wasn't for moroco they the south won't be nothing but nomads and desert. NOw if some other countries are pushing the issue of creating an other country out there and i would cite spain, algeria in special , it's all because of their own poitical aganda and special interests and we can go for pages on that.
I really hope that no moroccan is thinking so ............
30 April 2006 02:24
visite this site an see the the pix of the western sahara


Comparing morocco to israel is a little bit overreacted !

if u think this is the best way to win a diplomatic battle, you just brought more hate and anger toward you.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
6 May 2006 05:58
I think what the pictures show is sad, it can not be acceptable. As a moroccan national it brakes my
heart to see theese pictures. especially when you see that is happenning to people that are muslims,
arabes, and moroccans just like you. We the people should condem theese acts. this underscores all
the sacrifices that the moroccan people and gouvernement made to join our sahrawis brothers.
Unfortunately, theese things happen. However, we shoud not politicise theese pictures. this does not
happen to just sahrawis. it happens to veryone in morocco and almost everywhere in the world. I have
seen the same pictures of women that got beat up by their husbands. It is funny to me that they never
show the same pictures comming out of the camps in tindouf. I don't think that they have sit-ins in the
camps of tindouf where a group of people will raise moroccan flags and chante pro-mroccan slogans
while "Polisario"police direct trafic. I am sure that worse than this happens on the other side of
the sand dune on the other side. Nobody talks about it. None the less, that does not justify human
right abuse.
What we need to talk about regarding the sahara issue is how to solve this problem and reconcile and
move on forward so that our people can have a descent living. We want all the people of themaghreb
especially moroccans to prosper and live in a democratic and free society.
13 June 2006 05:55
Come on guys use your brains you know who your enemy is!! Your enemy can do anything to win support & sympathy & to degrade the Moroccan authority. These photos have been collected probably from different places of Africa or let’s say from Tindouf, Mauritania and Morocco and are of people who have been injured or have been beaten up: the cause would be the usual ones; partners’ problems, accident, falls or street fights, burns and so on...
These people are aware of the PolisAlgerio game they keep taking photos when anything happens, when the carelessness is the one to blame or the social problem.
The photos on that stupid website have nothing to do with what they are saying to do with. The police, around the world, in general not all but some of them, do more than that; lets remember the famous case of the African American who was extremely and badly beaten by 2 American police men until they broke & bruise every mm (millimeter) of his bones & his body the man is using a wheel chair now. These savage assaults are happening around the clock in that country.
In Europe some police men don't just beat but kill, I don't want to mention the Brazilian and the Asian because you all know the whole story. People have been thrown out of the windows and over the bridges and the reason is they are not wanted, the police get away with it, they say we try to catch him and he jumped; the police in Europe back each other up, stand by each other no matter what.
Would you guys compare what I have just mentioned with those on the stupid web? I want to be punched on the eye or on the chin once but I don't want to be killed. Those people in the photos on the stupid web. have been punched or kicked no more than once, the way they looked proves that, they don't look that hurt. Also I see people with house burns, don't look badly scalded and this proves one thing; which is the social problem; a problem with a partner or a street fight or an accident or wait until it happens and blame it on the authority. This web. has came up with a pure lie, in order to degrade the Moroccan authority & win sympathy from Europe for example, who does believe anything & doesn't ask questions to find out the truth.
The Moroccan police usually, in order to put people on the line, take the offenders to the cell use a whip or a stick and keep them there for a couple of days. This again proves that the photos are a lie. If the photos for example are true those guys won't have a chance to photograph themselves, they would be in the jail serving their sentence for their crime.

The crime is: these guys are scum Arab invaders want to steal the land from the Native Berbers, stealing the land is not right at all. Where is thank you for letting you live in our Berber land, where is your help and cooperation to build this Berber land?
We have seen nothing from you, all we see from you; 'Arabs, black Africans and a mixture of these two races', is problems and misery. Remember that you are the minority, the Berbers are still there with large numbers; over 90% of the population in the berber Sahara are Berbers, the people of gulmem, tantan and assa for example; are all Berbers.

The other photo in which claims to be an over crowded jail can be taken anywhere using volunteers, I’m not denying that Moroccan jails are not over crowded; they are just like the jails in the neighboring countries but match better than the South American jails. European jails are not crowded because the jail term is been replaced by fines and community services to keep the numbers down and save money.
The photos on the stupid websites have been collected from people doesn't matter from where because it's not important.
Do people really keep photos like that to remind them of what has happened to them? Maybe!! But these people do because they are told to do so. Others know the game, anything happens in their houses or their streets, they take a picture and posts it to Algeria or tindouf or abroad to be put on the web. Pictures are coming from all parts of the Maghreb Berber and abroad as well; from PolisAlgerio bogus asylum seekers living abroad, it's an easy way to have a permanent stay, just do it bogus asylum seeking but don't forget that you're putting yourselves into too much of wanking, too much of arse shagging, too much of isolation and too much of social exclusion.

PolisAlgerios are the worst in the planet when it comes to human torture and killings, hundreds of people and families have been tortured, killed and vanished without a trace.
I don't mind the beating and bruises but I have the right to live. Children of Tindouf have been sent to Cuba, do what ever you like with them; this is a torture which never ends a torture of a mother and her child.
A child needs to be with his mom and needs to be in the family a child needs love needs bonding needs to feels safe and secure, these things need to be present in order to make a better child a successful child for the community. Governments around the world spend lots of time and lots of money to keep the child in the family because you can't have a healthy society by having children which are emotionally hurt and psychologically disturbed. Sociologist and psychologist say a child needs bonding needs love from both parents which means keeping a child away from his family is a horrible crime it is a lasting torture for the child. Children of Tindouf need attention of the world they need to be with their families, (slave) trading with Tindouf children to Cuba must be stopped.

The berber.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2006 10:58 by The berber.
13 June 2006 14:48
Hi Berber,

Let me start by asserting the fact that as far as I'm concerned the Western Sahara is moroccan, so that there's no suspicion as to my allegiance.

I've looked at the website, the pictures are similar to what you would find in some moroccan detention centers, things get better when people get sentenced and moved to prisons.
I don't get your anger, these people have a different opinion, they are on the other side, so why is it surprising to you that they would put forward these pictures. I do not believe the pictures are suspicious or even lies, I'm quite aware of what our beloved "sureté nationale" or our military are capable of.
Sahrawis or Polisario are our opponents, do you seriously believe that the moroccan gvt is not engaged in a propaganda war as well ? Polisario are doing what they're supposed to do, there's nothing surprising in that website. We're doing the same.
We should learn to respect our opponents, denying flat out the brutality of our institutions does not give us credibility.
If we want to grow up as a nation, as a people, we should denounce that brutality towards Sahrawis as we do towards ourselves. Self-criticism is a base element of any mature society.

Yes, our authorities have been ruthless towards secessionists Sahrawis,
Yes, our authorities have tortured , maimed, killed with little or no oversight from the moroccan people. Accept that, as you've accepted that they did exactly the same during "les années de plomb".
Yes, our authorities have engaged in an agressive settlement policy, similar to what Israel is doing in Palestinian territories. Again, as outrageous as it might sound to you to be compared to Israel, accept it and you'll have grown as a moroccan citizen and as a human. At the very least, accept it simply because it's a fact.

Whatever our authorities did or are still doing, that does not change the fact that, once more, the Western Sahara is moroccan, but asserting that right should not absolve them of the way they've handled this whole affair... in our name.

The question is what sort of future relationship do we want with our future fellow sahrawis citizens ? One based on victor/vanquished or one based on a nation which has reintegrated its misguided sons and daughters ?
As history has shown again and again, if they feel they've been coerced into the moroccan citizenship, the seed of secession will still be there. If they feel they are victims of a stronger opponent, it will rekindle their "David vs Goliath" syndrom. So let's accept those pictures and demand a better treatment of those people, if we claim that Western Sahara is moroccan than these people are already our fellow citizens, their outrage should be ours.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2006 02:30 by chelhman.
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