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Visiting London: Any ideas?
27 April 2007 11:05
Hi all,

My mum is visiting me from Morocco for the 2nd time and I'm a bit short of ideas as to where to take her in London. We've been to all the major attractions during her first visit and I can't think of anywhere "special" that she can see apart from Kew Gardens which she hasn't seen the first time. I myself have been living in London for 1 year and a half only and I'm sure there are loads of places I don't know. Relying on the rough guide only is not ideal as it targets a typical category of tourists.

If you are a Londoner or know London better than me, please post your ideas for visting, activites for a day, markets (apart from Portobello, Camden and Brick Lane), I'd be grateful for your help smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2007 11:06 by Minniemouse.
27 April 2007 15:40
Try Greenwich also nice park & the market ,London Zoo ,Regent park near by & also the mosque

Try The British Museum few others with free entry : []

Markets :
Walthamstow Market

E17, Walthamstow High Street. Free

Walthamstow High Street, E17
Underground/Train: Walthamstow Central
Open Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm.
Cheap clothing, household stuff and fruit and veg. A very well established daily market.

Southal or the little india ,mums love it its cheap textile ect ....
27 April 2007 18:28
Thanks so much atlasmagic. I've tried all the museums and the mosque. Will definitely try Southall as i haven't been myself! and possibly the London Zoo for some fun pics...

Thanks winking smiley
28 April 2007 02:20
Just this week I have been to warwick avenue (bakerloo line), there is a canal that goes all the way to camden.I really loved it. a very nice and clean area. and you can have a very pleasant walk along the canal.

I was also told that Richmond is very nice as well but I have never been there.

if you have a car (you can hire one), you can take her to Windsor village to see the Windsor castle, then drive to Bath, Bristol and even Wales if you wish.
30 April 2007 11:30
Hey Passerby, thanks for the suggestions. The canal you talked about is probably Little Venice area? we've been just yesterday and had a boat trip to camden town, it was a lovely ride!!

Richmond is absolutely stunning, that's where the Kew Gardens are, i'm thinking to take her there next weekend. But i love your idea of windsor castle and the cities nearby, it's definitely worth trying as i'm sure she'll like it.

Thanks for passing by winking smiley
30 April 2007 14:02

As per Passerby you could go to Winsdor , also henley-on-thames its very nice & why not try Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare & if you there visit Warwich castle ,if you driving do take the country lane from Oxford its lovely drive you will get to see real England :cottages ect ...........
30 April 2007 14:12
atlasmagic, your suggestions are great. I think next weekend will most likely be a driving one to the countryside and the small will coincide with Monday bank holiday so there will be no pressure smiling smiley

Many thanks
10 May 2007 08:07
Take her to Madame Tissauds in Baker st!!
She will be AMAZED...
10 May 2007 16:47
She's already been to Madame Tussauds 2 years ago and she did like it indeed smiling smiley

11 May 2007 00:18
It looks like if London is kind of deja vu for her. I suggest you take her to Oxford with a visit to the Benheim Palace. And then a one day trip to Bath which I personaly find very attractive with the river in the middle of the city and the roman monuments...
14 May 2007 00:28
Have you ever thought of taking your mum to see London mosques ? It'll surely be of great interest for her and probably be good for your wallet as well as being restfull for her...
For shopping, you can still take her to Southall, our mums all like it!!!
15 May 2007 11:25
Hey shams-al-arab, thanks for your suggestion, but as i said earlier, she's been to the London Mosque in Baker st and since i live in Wandsworth, I also took her this time to a new mosque in Tooting. Southall is quite far from me i'm afraid, i don't really fancy a day trip in trains but she's seen enough markets and tomorrow inshallah, i'll take her to Edgware road and Shepherd Bush's markets, she's bought so much stuff she's now panicking about her luggage weight!!eye popping smiley

Anyway as virtual-person said,she's seen lots of things in London so if the weather permits, i'll take her this coming saturday on a trip to Bath and Kent to see the coast.

Thank you all for keeping an interest on this subject. Your suggestions have been a great help smiling smiley
15 May 2007 11:35

Southhall is worth a visit i feel its like a little India & mums love it because they can find all types of textile ect .....(for takchita ect )
Just a nice restaurant to try if you are in Bush's market : Abu zaad a nice seryian restaurant ,good food ,no alcohol ,service is ok ( Mohammed the Moroccan waiter is a star) my mum loved it ..
16 May 2007 14:21
lol atlasmagic Mohammed the moroccan waiter (tm)

I am tempted myself to go to Southall but not this time as My mum's holiday will end this coming Sunday and i'm afraid we've only got time to visit the family.smiling smiley
26 May 2007 23:57

Hope she enjoyed her stay in London and wish her a welcome back home, and hope we didn't give you a headache too, I mean by suggesting you going to Southall... "Bshatha L'msaariya wa Llah y rdha âala kheir", wa thallay feeha...
28 May 2007 00:47
Hi shams-al-arab, you didn't give me any headache on the contrary all the suggestions have been great and i was so happy to get so many replies. My mum did enjoy her stay very much and she returned to Morocco last week. We didn't go to so many places as she visited most sites the first time she came but i still managed to take her to few interesting places and overall i think she was happy with what we did so thanks again for being so helpful smiling smiley
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