طلب حزب فوكس الإسباني رسميًا من الحكومة استدعاء السفيرة المغربية في إسبانيا، كريمة بنيعيش، من أجل "ممارسة الضغط الدبلوماسي" بهدف "اعتقال المجرم الذي قتل حراسًا مدنيين في بارباتي"، وفقًا لما أعلنته المتحدثة باسم الحزب في الكونغرس، بيبا ميّان، يوم الثلاثاء، من قاعة الصحافة
في عام 1963، شهد المغرب فيضانات تسببت في دمار واسع وخسائر بشرية كبيرة، بالإضافة إلى تضرر كبير في البنية التحتية، بما في ذلك سد محمد الخامس. ولتكريم الضحايا، أصدر المغرب طوابع بريدية تخليدًا لذكراهم، كما يشير البعض إلى إنه تم إلغاء الاحتفال بعيد الأضحى في ذلك العام.
أعلن فريق المغرب الرياضي الفاسي لكرة القدم، عن انتقال لاعبه السابق، محسن بوريكة، إلى النادي السويسري "إف سي سيون".وأفاد مصدر من المكتب المسير للنادي، بأن بوريكة التحق رسميا بناديه الجديد بعد نجاحه في اجتياز الفحص الطبي، حيث سيحمل ألوان النادي لمدة ثلاثة مواسم إلى غاية 30
Deux temps ont marqué l'actualité politique des communautés franco-marocaines et franco-algériennes cet été. D'abord la reconnaissance par le président Emmanuel Macron de la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara occidental qui a déclenché le rappel de l'ambassadeur de l'Algérie à Paris ; puis l'intense campagne éléctorale du président Tebboune qui a mobilisé des figures politiques et
Morocco's ambassador to Ireland, Lahcen Mahraoui, held a meeting on Tuesday in Wexford, a town in southeast Ireland, with senior officials from the Wexford County Council, the Moroccan Embassy announced in a Facebook post. During this meeting, Ambassador Mahraoui also held talks with members of the Moroccan diaspora in Wexford. In its statement, the Moroccan diplomatic representation in Ireland reported that the meeting «provided an opportunity to discuss potential cooperation and
Du 14 septembre au 6 octobre 2024, l’Ouzbékistan accueille la 10e édition du Mondial de futsal. Triple champion d’Afrique, le Maroc est en quête d'un nouvel exploit, après avoir atteint les quarts de finale aux derniers mondiaux, en 2021.
Ghita Mezzour, Minister of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, received on Tuesday, September 10, members of the Moroccan team that won the bronze medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), held this year in Cairo, at the Ministry's headquarters in Rabat. The event brought together around 390 participants from 96 countries, and Morocco performed brilliantly, according to a press release by the ministry. In her speech, delivered in the presence of the families and
The Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, held talks in Rabat on Wednesday with the Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann. During these talks, he praised the ongoing and fruitful cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and this international organization. These talks provided an opportunity to announce the closure of the Country Program II between Morocco and the OECD. This program aimed to strengthen support, partnership, and
A proposed power cable project connecting Morocco to the UK has raised concerns among residents in north Devon (A region in southwest England). The Xlinks Morocco-UK Power Project, aimed at providing electricity for seven million UK homes by the early 2030s, has been declared a project of national significance by the UK government, according to the BBC. The scheme involves laying four cables over about 2,500 miles (4,000km), coming ashore near Abbotsham in north Devon. James Humfrey, CEO of
Algeria's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Attaf, met with his Egyptian counterpart, Badr Abdel Ati, in Cairo on Tuesday, September 10. The discussions were held privately, away from the media and other ministers attending the Arab League's Executive Council session that same day. Algerian diplomacy shared a video on social media of Attaf's «meetings» with several ministers, showing the room where the talks took place. The Egyptian side released a statement on the meeting between