A 49-year-old Moroccan national and father to four children have committed suicide in a tragic incident, on Friday. According to Milano Corriere, a local online newspaper, the father who lives in San Fermo della Battaglia, a commune in Lombardy region, set his apartment to fire. Desperately, the Moroccan national locked himself inside with his four children ( a boy and three girls)and set the place ablaze. The same source indicates that the man and three of his kids were found dead. The
Would you see Jamel Debbouze as a member of the government? As strange as it sounds, the French-Moroccan comedian and actor told RMC that he was offered a job at the government, reports Les Inrocks. «I was offered to be a Secretary of State», he told Christophe Dugarry when invited to Team Duga show. «Of course not, I refused», he continued, «because it is obviously not what I do, I would be bored to death, I would be less productive, frozen and
The United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT), a treaty body in the UN human rights created in February 2007, is set to visit Morocco for the first time from the 22nd to the 28th of October; the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Thursday. The delegation is supposed to «advise the Government on the establishment of a national detention monitoring body, officially known as the National Prevention Mechanism (NPM)», states the same source. The SPT is also
Le ministère de la Santé a annoncé avoir autorisé la commercialisation dans les prochaines semaines d'une série de médicaments génériques fabriqués au Maroc utilisés pour le traitement de l’épilepsie, du cancer de la prostate, de la septicémie, de la diarrhée et des maladies cardio-vasculaires. Le ministère inscrit cette démarche dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la politique
Un individu ayant de multiples antécédents judiciaires pour crimes violents a tenté de s'immoler par le feu sans raison apparente, jeudi après-midi, à proximité de l'entrée principale du commissariat de police à Errachidia, a-t-on appris auprès de la sûreté régionale de la ville. Les éléments de la sûreté nationale ont pu maîtriser la personne concernée qui était
The Moroccan security services reportedly prevented a Tunisian delegation of social activists who had come to Morocco on the 16th of October from entering Al Hoceima city, a number of human rights groups said in a joint statement published on E-Joussour, a website led by the Maghreb-Machrek ONG. They are «observers of Hamid Mahdaoui's trial and other activists detained in Casablanca following the social unrest witnessed in the Rif region». «The delegation was
The Moroccan writer, Yasmine Chami, received on Wednesday night at the headquarters of the Arab World Institute (AWI) in Paris the jury's special mention for her novel «Mourir est un enchantement». Yasmine Chami, a literature teacher in Casablanca and the former director of the Villa des arts, was awarded the prestigious jury prize, presented annually by the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation in partnership with the AWI. Yasmine’s work narrates how individual and
La célébration du 4e anniversaire du lancement de la stratégie nationale d'immigration et d'asile (SNIA) constitue une occasion pour faire le bilan et exposer les résultats des consultations nationales autour du Pacte mondial sur les migrations, indique le ministère délégué auprès du ministre des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération internationale, chargé des Marocains résidant à
L’écrivaine marocaine Yasmine Chami a reçu, mercredi soir, au siège de l’Institut du monde arabe (IMA) à Paris la mention spéciale du jury du Prix 2017 de la littérature arabe, revenu cette année à l’auteur irakien Sinan Antoon. Yasmine Chami, enseignante de littérature à Casablanca et ancienne directrice de la Villa des arts de Casablanca, a été primée par le prestigieux jury de ce
Several thousands of Moroccan porters demand the intervention of King Mohammed VI to find a solution for the problems they have encountered for several days at the Tarajal border post, reports Ceuta Actualidad. The porters have rejected the measures adopted recently by the Moroccan and Spanish authorities, «which prevent them from practicing their activities», reports local online newspaper, Tangier 24. Cientos de marroquíes bloquearon y cerraron la frontera de #BabSebta