London will host a cultural event on 16th and 17th of September, offering the English public a Caftan Fashion Show and a festival of the Moroccan cuisine with a concert of music. This artistic event, which coincides with the famous «London Fashion Week», is organized on the initiative of Jalila Elmastouki, a Moroccan-British specialist in the promotion of the caftan, the young chef Khalid Dahbi, and Jamal Boujrad, a former NMTO executive with more than 30 years of experience in the
The trial of Hirak detainees arrested for organizing demonstrations in the Northern region of Morocco has been put off, reports Reuters today. Families of the Hirak members gathered outside the Casablanca courthouse. 17 detained protest leaders “face charges ranging from conspiring against the state to protesting without authorization”, states the same source. The Hirak popular movement has seen light after the death of Mohcine Fikri a fish monger who was crushed by a trash truck
La capitale britannique s’apprête à vibrer au rythme de la culture marocaine en abritant les 16 et 17 septembre une manifestation culturelle, proposant au public anglais un Caftan Fashion Show et un festival de gastronomie marocaine avec un concert de musique. Cet événement artistique, qui coïncide avec la célèbre «London Fashion Week», est organisé à l’initiative de Jalila Elmastouki, une Maroco-britannique
Latifa Ahlami, ancienne femme-soldat dans les Forces armées royales, a été victime d’une escroquerie orchestrée par une fausse agence de voyage, cette dernière souhaitant se rendre sur les lieux saints de l’Islam pour effectuer un Hajj. S'étant déjà rendue en Arabie saoudite pour une Omra en 2016 avec la même agence, Mme Ahlami a répondu présente aux gérants quand ils lui ont suggéré de
The African-Israeli summit scheduled for October 2017 in Togo, has been canceled according to several Israeli media platforms. Accordingly, the meeting supposed to be attended by the Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and representatives from 54 African countries, was put off because of the pressure put on the African nation by several Arab countries. «Togo's President Faure Gnassingbé, who has been facing mass demonstrations against his regime recently, has informed
La Cour d’appel de Casablanca a reporté au 3 octobre prochain le procès d’un groupe d’individus mis en cause dans les événements d’Al Hoceima, rapporte l’agence officielle MAP qui cite une source judiciaire. La Cour a pris cette décision pour permettre aux avocats de la défense de mieux préparer le dossier de ce procès, dont la première audience a débuté dans la matinée. Le groupe
Taxi drivers in Marrakech will have a new mobile application for their customers named Chedli taxi (Take me a taxi), The Economist reports today. The new mobile application operates by geo-localizing the customers who can send voice messages to the driver informing them about their destination. The taxi driver then is supposed to accept or decline. «We have developed our own very complex algorithm to offer this unique voice control service adapted to Moroccans,» explains Ali
Following the hurricanes Harvey and Irma which have hit the southeastern coasts of the United States, notably Texas and Florida, the Moroccan Embassy in Washington, and the Consulate in New York, follow with concern, the situation of Moroccans in the disaster areas. The latter is heavily resided by the Moroccan community, notably in Houston (Texas) and Tampa, Sarasota and Miami (Florida). «According to information gathered on this date, no victim among our nationals has been
Suite aux ouragans Harvey et Irma qui viennent de ravager les côtes Sud-est des Etats-Unis, notamment le Texas et la Floride, l’ambassade du Maroc à Washington, ainsi que le consulat général à New York suivent, avec préoccupation, l’évolution de la situation des Marocains dans les zones sinistrées. Ces dernières connaissent une forte concentration de la communauté marocaine, notamment à Houston (Texas) et
Ed Beverlry-Jones, a 43-year-old man who lives in Chepstow, a town in Monmouthshire, Wales, adjoining the border with Gloucestershire, England will ride his bike all the way down to Morocco following Swallows, a family of passerine birds found around the world on all continents except Antarctica, reports South Wales Argus, a local online newspaper. Ed is planning to travel perusing the birds’ autumn journey to Africa passing through England, France, and Spain. «I watch and