Classes are suspended this Monday, March 10, across the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region due to severe weather conditions, according to a statement from the provincial directorates of National Education, Preschool, and Sports. «In light of the adverse weather conditions and following the alert bulletin issued by the General Directorate of Meteorology, it has been decided, in coordination with local authorities, to suspend classes on March 10 in all public and private
En raison des conditions météorologiques actuelles au Maroc, il a été décidé de suspendre les cours, lundi, dans les établissements d’enseignement, publics et privés, au niveau de l’Académie régionale d’éducation et de formation (AREF) de la région Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma. «En raison des mauvaises conditions météorologiques et suite au bulletin d’alerte
A partnership agreement was signed on Saturday in Rabat to launch a national program aimed at training children in digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). The agreement brings together Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Minister of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform; Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture, and Communication; Fouzi Lekjaa, Deputy Minister in charge of the Budget; and Ibtissam Khamlichi, representative of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Un convenio de colaboración se firmó el sábado en Rabat para poner en marcha un programa nacional destinado a formar a niños en tecnologías digitales e inteligencia artificial (IA). El acuerdo reúne a figuras clave como Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, ministra de Transición Digital y Reforma Administrativa; Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, ministro de Juventud, Cultura y Comunicación; Fouzi Lekjaa, ministro delegado encargado del Presupuesto; e
Une convention de partenariat a été signée, samedi à Rabat, pour lancer un programme national de formation des enfants aux technologies numériques et à l’intelligence artificielle (IA). L’accord réunit Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, ministre de la Transition numérique et de la Réforme de l’administration, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, ministre de la Jeunesse, de la Culture et de la Communication, Fouzi Lekjaa, ministre
The 13th edition of the Moto Days fair, «Fiera di Roma», dedicated to motorcycle tourism, was inaugurated on Friday in Rome, with Morocco as the guest of honor at this landmark event. The Moroccan Embassy in Rome participated with a stand showcasing the country's rich craftsmanship and cultural heritage, sparking admiration and enthusiasm among visitors to the three-day fair. In his opening speech, Morocco's ambassador to Italy, Youssef Balla, emphasized the growing importance of
La 13ª edición del salón Moto Days, el gran evento italiano dedicado al turismo en moto, abrió sus puertas el viernes en Roma, con Marruecos como invitado de honor. Este encuentro reúne a apasionados de las dos ruedas y a profesionales del sector. Durante la inauguración, el embajador de Marruecos en Italia, Youssef Balla, elogió la iniciativa de los organizadores y destacó el auge del turismo en moto en Marruecos. «Este tipo de
La 13ᵉ édition du salon Moto Days, grand rendez-vous italien dédié au tourisme à moto, a ouvert ses portes vendredi à Rome, avec le Maroc comme invité d’honneur. L’événement rassemble passionnés de deux-roues et professionnels du secteur. Lors de l’inauguration, l’ambassadeur du Maroc en Italie, Youssef Balla, a salué l’initiative des organisateurs et souligné la montée en
U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Friday the appointment of Duke Buchan III as the new U.S. ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, emphasizing his crucial role in strengthening peace, freedom, and prosperity between the two nations. «I am pleased to announce that Duke Buchan III will serve as the United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco», Trump stated on his Truth Social platform. «Duke will play a pivotal role as we strengthen peace, freedom, and prosperity
A multidisciplinary medical team at Arrazi Hospital, part of the Mohammed VI University Hospital Center (CHU) in Marrakech, has successfully reattached a fully amputated hand in a groundbreaking surgical procedure. The operation involved the reattachment of a patient’s right hand, which had been completely severed at the wrist in a work accident involving an electric saw, according to a statement from CHU Mohammed VI. The complex seven-hour surgery was followed by ten days of intensive