

Sumar party opposes deportation of Sahrawi asylum seekers

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The spokesperson for Spain’s Sumar party in parliament, Iñigo Errejón, has called on the Ministry of the Interior to reverse its decision to deport Sahrawi asylum seekers currently at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport, emphasizing that this move does not align with the position of the junior partner in the government.

In a post on X, Errejón argued that asylum applications submitted by Sahrawi citizens should be urgently reviewed, noting that «the risks they face if returned to Morocco are serious enough to warrant international protection». He further added, «This decision was made without our approval, and the Ministry of the Interior must reconsider its stance».

His statements follow an announcement by Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska on Monday, confirming that asylum seekers claiming to be persecuted Sahrawis would be deported if their claims are not supported by Spanish law or validated by the courts.

Additionally, pro-Polisario MP Tesh Sidi, also from the Sumar party, has demanded clarification from the Minister of the Interior regarding the rejection of asylum applications from around 30 Sahrawi activists, including humanitarian cases such as Ali Hammou, a deaf activist with cancer, and Mohamed Ali Slimani and his family, who fled repression in Western Sahara, as she described it.

Sidi also called for an investigation into the poor living conditions endured by Sahrawi activists detained at Madrid airport.

It’s worth noting that the radical left-wing Sumar party is known for its support of the separatist Polisario Front. The party previously opposed Spain’s backing of the Sahrawi autonomy initiative, though its stance has not influenced Madrid’s official position.

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