The Polisario Front has sent last week its forces to the Guerguerate buffer zone interrupting the peace that was established in the area since April 2017 and accusing Morocco of violating the cease-fire agreement reached in September 1991. To understand the circumstance of the current crisis, Yabiladi interviewed Bachir al-Dakhil, one of the founders of the separatist movement, who stressed that the eruption of an armed conflict in the buffer zone is rather excluded.
Morocco is committed to play the role of a decisive actor in the stabilization of the Sahel region. This is confirmed by the proposal set by the Kingdom to train the Sahel G5 force to combat the threat of jihadist organizations operating in the region.
The UN is convinced that a terrorist attack targeting members of the MINURSO is being put together. The International organization,as a result, has called soldiers to remain prudent and cautious. On the other hand, Kim Bolduc, head of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, urged the Moroccan authorities and the Polisario to guarantee the security of the Minurso members.