[] Re: Feeling down
26 juin 2007 à 11:27
Really sorry to hear that you lost your best friend. That is not a easy thing to deal with :( I know replacing a good friend is tough but I do hope that one day you'll find someone ...More
[] Re: Feeling down
25 juin 2007 à 22:59
Hi Minniemouse, Try calling your closest friend and talk to her/him. Chances are you will feel better after a long telephone conversation. Seeking advice from the person you trust most works for ...More
@ Abdalghafor, This is meant to mister Shelby only, "Just show me a single arab country where democraty and human rights prevail? All arab countries are eitheir ruled by ...More
Yes indeed, same thing in Sudan. and these internal divisions make Western countries even more powerful and make us a little bit weaker ...More
Sure, why not? Morocco is a melting pot made up of people of different ancestries. There are some pure Arab pockets and other pure Berber pockets but they are far from making up the majority. Most ...More
Agree with you Passerby. So-called real men better look for how they could make a change in the condition of the Muslim world instead of demonstrating for the wrong reasons. So much so demonstrations ...More
@ Abdalghafor, No I am not ashamed. Far from that, I am a proud Moroccan who proudly does NOT care about ethnicity. Such ideas are tribal and take us several centuries back. My last name is as ...More
This is really counter-productive and unnecessary. Why celebrate the Kabylie Spring uprising? Are we Algerians or Moroccans?? and why turn this into a confrontation with so-called Arab baathists?? ...More
[] Re: SMAP IMMO 2007
2 juin 2007 à 11:28
khalid, Moi aussi j'etais au salon. Pourquoi avoir beosin d'un quota pour les MRE alors que la plupart des participants etaient des Marocains de toutes les manieres??? Je ne vois pas ce qu'il y a ...More
31 mai 2007 à 18:46
Bonjour Amira, Puisque vous etes de Casablanca je vous suggere d'aller au Centre Regional d'Investissement de Cadablanca (le CRI). Ce centre a pour fonction d'assister les entrepreneurs a demarre ...More
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