[] Re: MBA in USA Please a help
8 février 2007 à 23:54
Hi ISSI, First you have to take a GMAT exam and once you have the score you will have to apply to different universities (very easy to do online now) until you get accepted somewhere, or in ...More
Riffman, If you are looking to work in tourism then this is the time to go back to Morocco since hotels seem to be springing out from every corner. Best ...More
[] Re: Barack Obama and FoxNews
8 février 2007 à 23:47
I had a good laugh I have to say. But in a more serious tone it is really shameful of Barack's enemies to use his Muslim background in order to break him. That's character assassination, nothing more ...More
May I bring to your kind attention that this kind of beliefs exist all around the world. What about pilgrimalge to Lourdes in France where people hope to be cured of deadly deseases? What about those ...More
Hi Laure, If your Arabic is not good enough and you cannot find any Arabic speaking nanny then I guess your other option would be to take your kids to Morocco for relatively long holidays every ...More
Thank-you all for your interesing ideas! My kids speak english, and am I am tryign to teach them french and arabic so they have their heritage as well, inshallah. It's difficult though ...More
[] Re: Moroccan Christians
19 janvier 2007 à 00:09
I would like to point out that there is a huge big difference between Islam and Muslims. There is nothing wrong with Islam and it is not static but Muslims ...More
[] Re: About the holocaust...
24 décembre 2006 à 23:29
Very interesting analysis indeed. Although I found it strange that Iran's conference and Ahmadinajad is not mentioned ...More
@ Zaki Nice analysis of the Israel Hezbollah confrontation. Thanks for that. @ Cyril Being the devil's advocate is always good as it helps us question what we take for granted. But in this case, ...More
21 décembre 2006 à 23:11
Je vous conseille plutot de faire une petite recherche sur google en mettant: creation entreprise Maroc. Vous tomberez certainement sur les sites des Centres Regionaux d'Investissements (CRI) au ...More
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