Atleast that gives us one lesson, and that is that even the most powerful country in the world cannot be perfect or ...More
[] Re: Elections my A** !!
17 avril 2007 à 15:55
Shelby, The hard way is good when it is effective. Passivity coupled with lack of commitment will get us ...More
[] Re: who can give me this info???
14 avril 2007 à 15:42
U.S.A., but I think you already know about that ...More
[] Re: Elections my A** !!
14 avril 2007 à 15:41
I have to agree with you on this one Matjar. If you talk the talk then you'd better walk the walk, otherwise what is the point? and yes Morocco IS improving a little bit everyday. I can see the ...More
[] Re: Elections my A** !!
12 avril 2007 à 23:44
Yes there are lots of issues with Morocco but to be worried that some people think that things are improving is beyond me. What worries me is the lack of engagement and will to make any kind of ...More
[] Re: The Doha debates
12 avril 2007 à 23:36
This is a very interesting situation where a man is defending women's right to equality against a woman who thinks that's unconceivable ...More
Just to clear the air, I would like to say that this is my opinion as a Muslim and a Moroccan. I do not believe that the Muslim world is ready for a "moderate" global religeous leadership. The word ...More
Sounds like a scary idea. Reminds me of fachism, imperialism, totalitarianism and all negative isms that exist. Moreover, all self-destructive Muslim kamikazeslike those who just exploded bombs in ...More
[] Re: Today is my birthday :)
7 avril 2007 à 23:44
Happy birthday Cranberry. You you celebrated it live with friends and not only shared it with other forum members. Sbs, it's sad to see how life can make some us so uncharitable. When we are 21, ...More
[] Re: HELP: who lives in L.A?
1 avril 2007 à 15:11
I think you stand a much better chance to find something if you simply buy the newspaper and look up the short term rental opportunities, often charged weekly and make a few phone calls. As it is ...More
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