[] Re: Breastfeeding fatwa
31 mai 2007 à 18:39
I have to say this is one of the dumbest fatwas I have ever heard in my life. How can a female "symbolically" breastfeed a male colleague 5 times in order to justify being with him in the same ...More
[] Re: Rabat Zoo
28 mai 2007 à 22:38
This is really a shame as I also have good memories visiting this zoo a a child. I am not sure this is a money issue otherwise how come that zoo was in much better shape decades ago? Personally I ...More
[] Re: A mandate to revive France
26 mai 2007 à 16:44
Denying the truth does not and will not help us in any way. As a Moroccan I find it tough to handle hard words against the North African community but I do not accept denial either. It is at best ...More
[] Re: partir en voyage au maroc ....
22 mai 2007 à 02:03
Je recommende un circuit: Tanger, Rabat, Marrakech, Essaouira, Agadir et retour sur Marrakech ou Casa pour ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
21 mai 2007 à 23:49
What I find quite fascinating here is that some people here seem to be absolutely sure that they have secured their own place in heaven. So all there is to do is to run after those who are leading ...More
[] Re: A mandate to revive France
20 mai 2007 à 21:47
@ Ilhem. You did make your point indeed and I can understand it and even share many views with you. Just wanted to add that being from the countryside is a fact not an insult. Yes it might make ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
17 mai 2007 à 20:04
Wow, thanks for finally joining Chelhman, I'm reading comments here that are "uncroyables mais vrais". Hard to believe that some people actually believe what they are saying. Do hope this is just a ...More
[] Re: Buying a house
14 mai 2007 à 23:07
If you type Property in Morocco on google it will take you to a number f websites of real estate companies in Morocco. Some of them are local while others are owned by French, British or Spanish ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
14 mai 2007 à 19:16
@ virtual-person, Do not worry.I don't think most people here are homophobic, I just think they stay away from the discussion when they see that the kind of language used and the way some people ...More
[] Re: Buying a house
13 mai 2007 à 19:46
Hello Virtual person, You don't have to live in Morocco in order to buy a place in Morocco. Many people now buy real estate in Morocco for investment purposes. If I were you I would buy a ...More
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