If you have not read it yet I refer all you to a very good book by Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa called "Raising Multilingual Children" which addresses this very issue of being married to a foreign ...More
[] Re: Watch
21 décembre 2006 à 18:36
Ahmadinajad has just lost the local elections to the more moderate opposition.Which shows Iranians'discontent with him. Personally I think that whenever a leader is unable to tackle domestic problems ...More
Teaching darija to my little one and am strongly encouraging my husband to teach his own language as well. Research studies have shown that in mixed marriages the best solution is that each parent ...More
[] Re: Another one...
19 décembre 2006 à 23:25
I don't mean to discount european muslims but I believe muslims n the US are organized in such a way that they will be "smarter" in dealing with this issue. Especially that the ...More
[] Re: On Anti-Semitism by Gilad Atzmon 2003
19 décembre 2006 à 23:02
Thanks Riffman, that's what I call selfcriticism, looking at things with an even keel. Now, let's see if our side can do the same, anyone wants to venture holding his/her breath for ...More
Sorry the link is not ...More
[] Re: it's crazy!!
19 décembre 2006 à 22:45
All right everyone it's probably about time we all cool off for a second. No need to fight each other because somebody is kicking out her mother :). Taboudrart, I just suggest you replace a bit ...More
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