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Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
7 November 2006 10:55
chelhman you dont get it.
so if you dont want to sign this contract, you cant be a pharmacist? you are forced to sign it, like it or not...

it's BS, and i'm not even sure there is such a contract... so i say once again that it's exactly what i'm talking about. it's called oppression.

someone took the rights of some people, and these rights are granted by god.
no one can force you to kill an innocent life.

what can do the justice? kill you? take your money? put you in jail?
nothing next to what god would do to you...

so you ask people to choose between living following your ideas or going to hell?
and then you are suprised to have problems...

you have to respect the honest people. never do a bad thing to an innocent. NEVER. you cant afford that.
7 November 2006 11:52
The answer to my question is NO. Forget it.
7 November 2006 12:15
Krim, you're right. That would be NO.

LeMask, I honestly don't understand how you can function in a western society or for that matter any society. Even Iran has laws that you have to obide by.
What you're advocating may have functioned in tribal Arabia at the beginning of islam with a few patches of population across the desert, but it's not possible with 6.5 billion people and cities populated with up to 20 million people.
I can't explain it to you if you keep entrenched in your world and refuse to reason.
7 November 2006 21:08
chelhman i dont want chaos, but i think that we cant push people to do a lot of stuff, and in nowadays life, we accept it as "normal" while it's NOT.
you CANT force people like that... but you can educate them, and this takes time. and once you stop caring about results only and care about the method... then you will think like me.

people are dumb? so educate them, because you cant force them...

they arent here to serve you... you dont have the right to use them, if you cant trust them, then you are alone. all you can do is to give them something so they follow you...

forcing people to live together because "it's better" isnt the solution, that is why the chaos is much better than oppression.
9 November 2006 09:12
hey guys,
i have to say that i read the discussion and I partially agree with the Lemask.
In today's society, people have a choice and should have a choice. I'm not a liberal. I think I hold a decemt line of conservative ideas but I cannot for that reason hate or not lesson to the other who's different. If for anything that is the exact definition of dictaturship. When you think you are right and the other is wrong. not only that , when you refuse to listen to other opinions. this is when it gets really scary.
the alternative ? advocate. praise our culture. If the lady decides she wants to dress like " a ninga" then it's her choice and she firmily made it. that's what make Morocco different than other countries . to some extent you have a choice and it's good and healthy. Same way for girls with not so catholique ways right ??
Now, through socioligy and beahavior study plus the fact that we live in different times where the whole world is a melting pot, we are going to experience some changes in our society . It is normal . and it's definitly not a reason to freak out. My personal opinion: praise the moroccan culture and history. we cannot force a choice on people and i certainly don't wanna do that. however , I would love it if they took a choice based on some sort of advocacy of moroccan culture. Then , they conviced , empowered and they will certainly reach to influence others.
In today's society , we shouldn't take our identity for granted . Meaning , in today's world there a big chalenge on who we are ? and how we are going to evolve in the future?
In our country's situation, we are influenced both by the west and east. I did not agree on the ministry islamique affairs to edit the text book. It hust tells me that they are trying to omit some information in the hope that the kids won't pick it up or learn it. HOW STUPUD IS THIS. I went to high school in morocco and studied islamique affairs all through high school . That didin't make me a terrorist did it ? In one part I read that they wanted to take of jihad from the text books too. It's all fine and dandy at first till some extremist present the kids who haven't been taught at school of the real definition of islam as we know it ,( jihad can be with spirit and money with many branches and subdivisions), the only defintion would be that you have to fight in war to get a jihad ?? who's fault is it now if the kid becomes a terrorist. the extremist that taught him or the ministry that deleted the correct definition to begin with.
As of feminist and feminisme movement. Ihave to say that very good friend of mine are part of feminist movement in morocco. In a sense we need it. and I do salute their work through organizations . I've personaly seen a lot of cases where women were abused back in 1998 in morocco and where legislation was lacking laws to do anything about it . In chari3a itself women are guaranted their right and I don't see why we can't have a legislation that will make it clear and support the chari3a. On the other , you always going to have some association that are " liberalist happy" under the cover of feminism . lobbying for extrem liberalist views can only generate a extreme righ wing that praise islamique extemisism. It's only the normal balance whereareas you have extrem left an extrem right is going to be born.
The ball is on our parlimentaries who have to be very carefull who's views they endorse. I personally love moderation and that is the way morocco as a country is known for. In difficult economic times people tend to look for an alternative to solve their daily issiues. the tendency seems to dictate a radicalism on both wings .
Brothers , I would love to hear yall feedback on the matter. And I wont be necessary to repeat that constructive dialogue is more than necessary , it's mandatory.
9 November 2006 13:17
laserist what you said is cristal clear...
but chelhman wont follow me. looks like he bought the occidental islamophobia, and put everything on religion... so he is for a laic government.
and i think that would be a disaster.

let me start again, with new arguments...

we have two kinds of system, the religious one (very developped in Islam) and the laic one.

the laic one could be very good... no doubts about that... but will it be enough to make it WORK?

do the muslims respect the laic laws? i dont. i dont trust them. i dont like them. and when they are abused (corruption) i dont give a damn... they just laic man made laws, they arent holy.

for me a rapist (as an exemple) in prison or outside is the same... the only difference is that he isnt free in prison and isnt very dangerous... but it's just for matter of time, 6... or 20years later he will be outside hunting...

the only thing that could really stop him in my mind is a death sentence... or at least a prison for life... if you care for human rights (in this case, you forget the victim and care for the criminal...another debate)...

so, we are human beings, we need a system... and the best system you can get isnt the intelligent system... but the most trusted system...
so, i ask you guys? what is the most trusted system for muslims than the system god gave us?

it's a no-brainer... religious system => religious people follow...

and the Islamic system is also great for the minorities, they would have full independance...
why the jews would be looking for the foundation of Israel is we gave them the right to use their laws and live without asking us about our opinions?

dont you see that? by refusing to follow the way of god, we are wounding ourselves...

the arabs did it in the past, they slaugtered so many people and destroyed full countries (result=poor countries), they forced people to convert (results=weak faiths)... they accepted oppression and refused to fight it(today they are enslaved) and more and more...

when god says to not drink alcohol, it's not because he doesnt like beer... it's because this alcohol isnt good for us.
god is the best friend you will ever have... he gave you everything you need. just follow it.
10 November 2006 08:28
Hijab in Morocco is a recent story. Jellaba is our traditional attire and we are proud of it. As for Hijab...ask where it comes's not ours. It's a Wahhabi-Talibani invader! We have nothing to do with it.
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