Abdellatif Jouahri, the governor of Bank Al-Maghrib, commented on the Bitcoin controversy, during a press conference held by the end of the organization’s quarterly meeting for 2017. Referring to the risks generated by «digital currencies» including Bitcoin, Mr. Jouahri explained that theoretically speaking ; Bitcoin «is not a currency». «A currency must meet three criteria : Being a means of payment, a store of value and a saving instrument and Bitcoin does
The Kingdom of Morocco flatly condemned the firing on Tuesday of a ballistic missile by the Houthi militia against populated zones in Saudi capital Riyadh. The Kingdom of Morocco reiterated its unwavering solidarity with the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its fight against anything that could undermine the security of its territories and disturb its populations, said on Tuesday the ministry of foreign affairs in a statement. Morocco also voiced its deep concern over this dangerous
Abdellatif Jouahri, Wali de Bank Al-Maghrib, est revenue sur la polémique du Bitcoin dont la valeur atteint des sommets, à l’occasion de la conférence de presse à l'issue de la dernière réunion trimestrielle au titre de 2017. Evoquant à ce propos les risques engendrés par les "monnaies digitales" dont le Bitcoin, M. Jouahri a expliqué que sur le plan théorique de l'économie, le Bitcoin "n'est pas une monnaie".
Le Royaume du Maroc a condamné fermement le tir mardi par les milices Houthies d'un missile balistique contre des zones peuplées de la capitale saoudienne Ryad. Le Royaume du Maroc "réitère sa solidarité constante avec le Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite frère dans sa lutte contre tout ce qui porte atteinte à la sécurité de ses territoires et à la quiétude de ses populations", indique, mardi, le ministère des Affaires
Le paiement mobile pourrait voir le jour en 2018, a indiqué, mardi à Rabat, le Wali de Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), Abdellatif Jouahri, assurant que la mise en oeuvre de ce chantier "avance positivement". "Conformément à notre timing, le paiement mobile devrait être lancé au cours de 2018", a-t-il affirmé lors d'une conférence de presse à l'issue de la dernière réunion trimestrielle du Conseil de Bank Al-Maghrib au titre de
The General Directorate of Integration and Prison Services launched, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, an HIV testing campaign to raise awareness among detainees in 62 penitentiary institutions, representing 80% of the prison population. This initiative, entitled «Zero stigmatization, 100% human dignity», will continue until December 27, says a statement issued by the directorate, stating on Tuesday that the local prison of Tetouan will be the first stop of this campaign,
La Délégation générale à l'Administration pénitentiaire et à la Réinsertion (DGAPR) a lancé, en partenariat avec le ministère de la Santé, une campagne de sensibilisation et de dépistage du SIDA au profit des détenus de 62 établissements pénitentiaires, soit 80% de la population carcérale. Cette initiative, placée sous le signe "Zéro stigmatisation, 100% dignité
Al Hoceima Appeal Court sentenced on Monday, 18th of December, six Hirak detainees from two to four years in prison, Alyaoum reports on Tuesday. Mounir Benabdallah was sentenced to four years, Bilal Achemlal, Hakim Al Anabi and Bilal Waali, a to three years, Abdellah Al Hankouri to two and a half years in prison. Hicham Lamrabet received on the other hand received a one-year sentence. Today, the trial of Nasser Zefzafi, leading figure of the Hirak popular movement, is held at the Casablanca
Morocco is one of the countries that detained an unusual number of journalists in 2017, according to the recent annual report entitled «Worldwide Round-up of Journalists Killed, Detained, Held Hostage, or Missing in 2017» and issued by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), an international NGO that promotes and defends freedom of information and press. While China, Turkey and Vietnam have been mentioned for their poor results, the NGO also points out at Morocco's. «Hamid El
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment, is requested to audit the trip of Scott Pruitt, an American Republican politician who is currently serving as the fourteenth Administrator of the same agency, to Morocco which reportedly cost $40,000, reports Reuters on Monday. On Monday, Sen. Thomas R. Carper, the top Democrat on the Senate environment committee asked the American agency to investigate