Les informations véhiculées par des médias électroniques au sujet de l’application de la peine capitale à l’encontre de certains mis en cause dans les événements d’Al Hoceima sont fausses et ne reposent sur aucun fondement juridique, affirme vendredi le procureur général du Roi près la cour d’Appel de Casablanca. «Le dossier de cette affaire est encore entre les mains du juge d’instruction
L’équipe nationale des joueurs locaux de football affrontera, dimanche à Alexandrie, son homologue égyptienne en match comptant pour le dernier tour des éliminatoires du Championnat d'Afrique des Nations (CHAN-2018), prévu au Kenya. Le match retour est prévu vendredi prochain au complexe sportif Prince Moulay Abdellah à Rabat. Lors d'un stage de préparation à Tunis, la sélection nationale des joueurs locaux
Amnesty International, a human-rights non-governmental organization, has published an article on its official website on the 11th of August, reporting accounts of several Hirak detainees who have claimed that they were allegedly tortured by the police while held in custody. According to Amnesty, around 66 people who were arrested amid the Hirak demonstrations held in the city of Al Hoceima reported that they were «heavily beaten, suffocated, stripped naked, threatened with rape and
A Muslim woman who had been forced to remove her veil by the police while in police custody will receive $ 85,000 from the City of Long Beach, a suburb in Los Angeles, as part of an amicable settlement, According to AFP. Arrested at a roadside checkpoint in May 2015 on a set of charges that are still under investigation, «Kirsty Powell, a Muslim African-American, had filed a complaint after police officers forcibly removed her veil in front of Other male police officers and dozens
Les éléments de la gendarmerie royale de Taza ont interpellé, mercredi, à bord d'un train, une femme qui a kidnappé une mineure de 3 ans de la ville de Tétouan, apprend-on vendredi auprès des autorités locales de la province de Taza. Cette opération fait suite aux vérifications effectuées par les éléments de la gendarmerie royale au niveau de la gare ferroviaire de Taza. L'interpellation s'est faite sur
The former Secretary General of the Commonwealth Emeka Anyaoku has urged the Nigerian president, Muhammadu Buhari to refuse Morocco’s bid to join the Economic Communities of West African States (ECOWAS), reports today ThisDay, the Nigerian national newspaper. According to the same source, Anyaoku announced that yesterday, 10th of August, in Lagos Nigeria’s largest city during the second annual Akintola Williams Foundation’s lecture. For the senior official, allowing Morocco
The number of funerals organized according to the Muslim rituals is increasing sharply in Brussels, indicates online newspaper, Sud Info Quoting VRT Nieuws. The Evere cemetery (Brussels-Capital Region) has, for example, seen the number of Muslim graves almost triple since 2003. «It seems to me that the link with the country of origin is shrinking,» says Ludo Beckers, Director of the Evere Cemetery. «When people of Muslim faith return to their country, they are
The Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) announced on Friday that it has set a bid to host the 2026 World cup. «The Royal Moroccan Football Federation officially set a bid on Friday August 11, 2017 to host the 2026 World Cup. The Federation has filed the application file with the committees responsible for this file in the International Federation of Football Association», said the FRMF in a press release. The current president of the Nigeria Football Federation Amaju Pinnick
Le décès d’un individu jeudi à Al Hoceima est «accidentel», après avoir chuté du toit de son domicile, a indiqué le procureur général du roi près la cour d’appel d’Al Hoceima. «Le procureur général du Roi près la cour d’appel d’Al Hoceima, et pour lever toute ambiguïté, annonce qu’après investigations et selon les déclarations du
Abdessadak Elbouchattaoui, a member of the Hirak detainees' defense committee, said on Wednesday night on his Facebook page that he was summoned by the police in Tetouan. «Each voice is targeted and every activist and human rights activist is targeted,» he said, indicating that the reason why he was summoned by the police is linked to «his declarations to the national media and his opinion regarding the Hirak movement in the Rif region». Contacted by Al Aoual,