The President of the Congress of Deputies in the Spanish Parliament is expected to visit Rabat Tomorrow, EFE indicates quoting a statement issued by the House of Representatives of Morocco. In Rabat, Ana Pastor Julián will meet with her counterpart Habib El Malki, Prime Minister Saâdeddine El Othmani and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Nasser Bourita. This is going to be Julian’s first official visit to Morocco who was elected on July 2016.
Moroccan Imams in Hesse, a central German state highlighted the primordial role of Imams in fighting against extremism and in promoting the values of coexistence in the German society. At a recent meeting with MP Gerhard Merz, chairman of the socialist group's integration and social affairs committee in the Parliament of Hesse, Moroccan imams have stressed their rejection of the negative image and stereotype attributed to worshipers and preachers by some media platforms and politicians. The
Des imams marocains dans le länder de Hesse (Ouest de l’Allemagne) ont mis en exergue le rôle central de l’imam dans la lutte contre l’extrémisme et dans la promotion des valeurs du vivre-ensemble au sein de la société allemande. Lors d’une rencontre tenue récemment avec le député Gerhard Merz, président du comité de l'intégration et des affaires sociales du groupe socialiste au sein du
La teinte verdâtre de la carcasse ou sa putréfaction s’expliquent par le non-respect des règles d’hygiène liées à l’abattage et à l'écorchage du mouton et aux conditions de conservation de la carcasse avant sa découpe et son stockage par réfrigération ou par congélation. C’est ce qu’a indiqué lundi soir l'Office national de sécurité sanitaire des produits
The Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs has finally reacted to the incident that took place during the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) held in Maputo from the 23rd to the 25th of August. Asked by journalists, Abdelkader Messahel said that «the Moroccans attempts will always be doomed to failure, such as those of Malabo (Africa-Arab summit in December 2016) and Mozambique», the APS reported. Messahel added that in the capital of Mozambique, the African
Human Rights Watch, an American-founded international non-governmental organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights has urged King Mohammed VI today to «press for effective investigations into allegations that Morocco’s police forces tortured people suspected of participating in the 2017 ‘Hirak'» protests in the Rif region». The NGO has commented on the King’s speech, delivered on the 30th of July to commemorate the Throne day, saying
King Mohammed VI and the Nigerian president, Muhammadu Buhari promised on Monday during a phone call to further strengthen bilateral relations. The two leaders vowed to reinforce mutual projects that were agreed on during King Mohammed VI’s last visit to Abuja, the King’s office said in a statement. Morocco is working with Nigeria to construct a major gas pipeline, a project that is seeing tangible achievements as stated by the same source. The two countries are also working on
La police judiciaire du commissariat de Guercif a arrêté, lundi à midi, un individu au casier judiciaire lourd, pour son implication présumée dans des affaires d'attentat à la pudeur avec violence, d'usurpation d'identité et de vol, selon la Direction générale de la sûreté nationale (DGSN). Le mis en cause, âge de 36 ans, faisait l'objet de plaintes déposées par quatre filles dont une mineure, qui
From October the 14th to 21st, 2017, the city of Fes will host the 10th edition of the Festival of Sufi culture, organizers said on Monday in a. the edition is entitled «Sufism to meet the wisdom of the world : the road to Sufism from Morocco to India». «Many speakers, brotherhoods and artists from Morocco and from different countries of the world will come to testify to the richness of this living heritage of literary, poetic, artistic and spiritual Sufism,» the
L'Ordre national des médecins dentistes a condamné, lundi, le décès d'un enfant à cause d'un praticien exerçant illégalement la médecine dentaire, appelant à la nécessité de lutter contre ces intrus. L’Ordre a dénoncé, dans un communiqué, ces pratiques ayant coûté récemment la vie à un enfant de 12 ans suite à de graves complications, notamment une