Interior Advisor Joaquim Forn confirmed on Monday that the driver of the van that killed 14 people in Barcelona, and wounded more than a hundred others, is Younes Abouyaaqoub, according to El Mundo. An international search and arrest warrant has been issued against him, although the Spanish authorities are not yet in a position to say whether he was able to leave Spain. Younes Abouyaaqoub «is no longer only wanted in Catalonia but in all European countries,» said Joaquim Forn.
The president of the Catalan government, Carles Puigdemont, called on Sunday not to criminalize the more than 200,000 Moroccans living in the territory after the jihadist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, which left at least 14 dead and 132 wounded, reports kienyke. «In Catalonia there are about 200,000 Moroccans who are part of the normal daily life of this country, who pray, who work, who participate in collective life; and so it is very unfair to try to introduce a community that
The city of Ripoll hosted a rally against terrorism on Saturday, after the two terrorist attacks that killed 14 people and injured about 100 others. «The gathering was marked by the presences of the parents and relatives of the terrorists killed,» reports the Spanish daily El Pais. Among these parents, the mother of Younes Abouyaaqoub, who is believed to be the driver of the van. «I want him to be detained and I do not want him to be killed like the others,» said Hanno
The Spanish investigators discovered on Friday the «biological remains» of three individuals in the rubble that could belong to a second corpse in the house located in Alcanar (province of Tarragona), reports El Pais on Sunday. The latter alleges that the terrorists allegedly attempted to «make explosives with bottles of butane gas and propane», and cited sources of the fight against terrorism. «This means that at the time of the explosion, at least five people
A very discreet person, who made a great effort not to stand out, he is about forty years old and an Imam who is detached from the Muslim community in Ripoll. This is what the Spanish media, including El Pais, said of Abdelbaki Es Satty. The Imam of Ripoll, the hometown of the terrorists who allegedly planned for the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, is taking part of the investigation carried out by the Spanish authorities. According to AFP, «this religious person now appears as one
On Saturday afternoon in Barcelona, hundreds of Muslims organized a rally against terrorism, reports Euronews. Dozens of passers-by spontaneously joined the demonstration, where the crowds repeated that they «will not give in to fear». «We are Muslims, we are not terrorists,» the demonstrators chanted. A slogan taken from the Ramblas of Barcelona, where Thursday a man driving a van has crushed the crowds. «We are also victims of what happened,» says one
A Moroccan-French man was shot dead by a bullet in the head last Monday around 2:45 am, near his home in Evanston, a suburb of Chicago, Chicago Tribune reported on Friday. According to the same source of Hamza Hammouis was 25 years old and was born in Paris. He has just married and moved to Chicago less than a month ago to join his wife, Jennifer Hess, a 24-year-old American. «Hamza Hammouis had stepped out with his wife and sister Monday, intending to snap early-morning photos of the
The attacks in Spain and Finland where Moroccan nationals are involved is a golden opportunity for xenophobes and islamophobes. Since Thursday evening, their reactions have popped up on social media, with some political leaders zttacking Islam and Muslims in Europe. On his Facebook and Twitter accounts, Geert Wilders did not miss the opportunity to target Moroccans and Islam. Since Thursday he has repeatedly shared a series of posts in which he claims that Europe is at war and that
Après une désopilante tournée au Maroc, le Festival itinérant d'humour «Marocains Rigolos et Résonnants à l’Étranger» a jeté l’ancre, samedi soir à Abidjan, son avant-dernière étape, gratifiant le public d’un spectacle garni d’entrain, d’hilarité et de franche rigolade. Dans une salle bondée au Palais de Culture (Commune de Treichville), des humoristes
Suite aux intempéries ravageuses survenues ces derniers jours au Sierra Leone qui ont touché des milliers de personnes, le roi Mohammed VI a donné ses instructions afin qu’une aide humanitaire d’urgence soit acheminée aux populations victimes des inondations. Selon un communiqué du ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la coopération internationale (MAECI), relayé samedi par la MAP, cette action humanitaire