The integration of Muslims in Western Europe has seen some progress in the last couple of years. The information was backed by a survey conducted by Bertelsmann Stiftung, a Germany-based institute. The study’s results, however, show differences between the countries examined by the 2017 Religion Monitor. Details.
Several humanitarian and Muslim associations in the USA have reported acts of discrimination and vandalism since Donald Trump has been in office. They have expressed their worries and fears regarding the situation of Muslims in the country. Similar views were expressed through the results of a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.
The six minors who allegedly assaulted a girl in a bus in Casablanca, were arrested on Monday by local authorities. According to Moulay Mostafa Errachdi, a lawyer and member of «Touche pas a mon enfant» association (Hands off my child), these teenagers «will probably be prosecuted based on articles 485, 486, 487 and 488 from the penal code» and they may face a 30-year sentence.