La directrice générale adjointe (DGA) de Casablanca Finance City Authority (CFCA), Lamia Merzouki, a été élue, récemment à Tokyo, présidente de l'Alliance mondiale des centres financiers internationaux (WAIFC - World Alliance of International Financial Centers), a annoncé CFC. Élue lors de l'Assemblée générale annuelle de WAIFC, qui s'est tenue le 15 octobre à Tokyo, Lamia Merzouki débutera
As the UN Security Council began its consideration of the Western Sahara issue, a Royal Armed Forces (FAR) drone aborted an operation carried out by Polisario elements near the locality of Mijek, east of the berm. In his latest report on the situation in the region, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres noted that armed incidents «reported to MINURSO by the parties are concentrated in the northern region, near Mahbas, and the southeastern region, near Mijek». «The strike by
Staffan de Mistura, the UN envoy for the Sahara, has presented a proposal to partition Western Sahara to members of the Security Council. This proposal was suggested before by Algeria.
Les autorités espagnoles ont arrêté quatre personnes recherchées pour de multiples chefs d’accusation en lien avec des activités de trafic de drogue, lors d’une tentative d’entrer à Ceuta. Les opérations ont eu lieu lundi dernier, après vérification des identités au niveau du point de passage de Tarajal. Deux des appréhendés sont en effet recherchés par la justice espagnole pour
قامت السلطات الأمنية الإسبانية باعتقال أربعة أشخاص أثناء محاولتهم الدخول إلى سبتة، حيث كان كل واحد منهم مطلوبًا بمذكرات بحث قضائية مختلفة في إسبانيا بتهم متعددة. وفقًا لما أفادت به القيادة العليا للشرطة الإسبانية يوم الجمعة، تمت هذه التوقيفات يوم الاثنين في نقطة عبور
Kazyon Maroc, a subsidiary of the discount retailer Kazyon, celebrated its first anniversary in Morocco on Wednesday. Operating in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco, Kazyon has a total of 1,300 stores, making it the largest player in the Arab region and Africa. In just one year, Kazyon Maroc has opened over 120 stores nationwide, from El Jadida to Tangiers. The company employs 1,000 people, primarily young professionals. Kazyon Maroc plans to open 150 more stores by 2025 while continuing to
The Polisario Front has rejected a proposal by the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy Staffan de Mistura to partition Western Sahara. De Mistura presented the proposal to the UN Security Council on October 16. In a press release, the Polisario stated that during their meeting on October 3, 2024, they categorically rejected «any proposal that deviates from the legal framework of the Western Sahara conflict». The Polisario emphasized that «Morocco's military invasion
يخوض المنتخب المغربي لكرة القدم النسوية، مباراتين وديتين أمام نظيريه لتنزانيا والسنغال، يومي 25 و29 أكتوبر الجاري بملعب الأب جيكو بالدار البيضاء. وذكرت الجامعة الملكية المغربية لكرة القدم، في بلاغ نشرته أمس الخميس على موقعها الرسمي، أنه استعدادا لهاتين المقابلتين
Au Maroc, les faillites d’entreprises devraient connaître une hausse sur la période 2024-2025, selon un récent rapport mondial d’Allianz Trade. Intitulé «Global Insolvency Outlook: Allianz Trade’s 18 Regional Outlooks on the Insolvency Wave», le document place le Maroc parmi les pays connaissant une «augmentation notable» des situations dans lesquelles les entreprises ne sont pas en mesure de faire face à leurs
The Polisario is looking for a small symbolic victory. After several failed invitations to MINURSO for a meeting in the «liberated territories», Brahim Ghali has complained to Antonio Guterres.