Following the ruling of the South African court regarding the phosphate cargo shipped from Morocco to New Zealand, OCP, the leading state-owned company, has accused the court of «political piracy» for detaining the 54,000 ton shipment for more than 73 days, reports. Speaking to the same source, Mark Wynne, chief executive of Balance Agri-Nutrients, the fertilizer company that was awaiting the phosphate shipment sent by OCP, said that Morocco’s decision was
The government council, held on Thursday, adopted Bill 40-17 on the status of Bank Al Maghrib, presented by the Minister of Economy and Finance. This project is devoted to redesigning the status of Bank Al Maghrib through the expansion of its missions contributing to the prevention of systemic risk and strengthening financial stability and to adapt its instruments of intervention to this mission, The Deputy Minister for Relations with Parliament and Civil Society, government spokesman
Le Conseil de gouvernement, réuni jeudi, a adopté le projet de loi No 40-17 portant statut de Bank Al Maghrib, présenté par le ministre de l'Economie et des Finances. Ce projet consacre la refonte du statut de Bank Al Maghrib à travers l’élargissement de ses missions à la contribution à la prévention du risque systémique et au renforcement de la stabilité financière et d’adapter ses instruments
L'Olympique de Marseille a officialisé le recrutement pour quatre ans de l'international français Adil Rami (Séville FC/ESP) en défense centrale, jeudi, deux jours après le retour du gardien Steve Mandanda. Le joueur avait déjà annoncé lui-même mardi qu'un accord avait été trouvé entre son club espagnol et l'OM. Rami (31 ans, 33 sélections) est la quatrième recrue estivale de l'OM après
An Italian travel agency called King Holidays, based in Milan and Rome, is promoting Morocco as a tourism destination in Milano through a campaign, reports. The project comes as collaboration with the National Organization for Tourism in Morocco and the local agency. According to the same source, the compaign is posting pictures of Morocco on public transportation «to promote Morocco as a destination through 'King Holidays there', developed by m & cs , Milan
At the end of its 18th national congress in Rome, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori, CISL) has just elected a young Italian-Moroccan member of its national council. According to the Edv, an Italian online newspaper, Hajar Dakiri was elected through the vote of the regional delegates of the second Italian trade union confederation, which has more than 4 million members. The young student is now a member of the ICFTU local branch
By deciding to take the case of the «Cherry Blossom» ship to a different level, the South African court has made a highly political decision and committed a serious abuse of power, OCP said on Thursday in a statement reported by MAP news agency, denouncing what the company called a «serious political interference». «Not only does it (the court) assume jurisdiction to act which contradicts the basic principles of international law but, moreover, its decision
Six new cement plants will be created in Africa by a coalition of LafargeHolcim and SNI, under their joint subsidiary LafargeHolcim Maroc Afrique (LHMA), and for a total capacity of 3 million tons, the subsidiary said in a communique issued byt the company. The decision to develop the six cement plants was made following a strategic study 6 months ago. The study has identified the considerable growth opportunities not yet covered by ongoing projects, both in the countries where the subsidiary
En décidant de renvoyer l'affaire du navire «Cherry Blossom» au fond, la cour sudafricaine rend une décision éminemment politique et commet un grave abus de pouvoir, estime ce jeudi le Groupe OCP dans un communiqué relayé par la MAP, où il dénonce notamment «une grave ingérence politique». «Non seulement elle (la cour) s’arroge une compétence à statuer qui contrevient aux principes
Poet, artist, politician and human rights activist, Ali Idrissi Kaitouni died on Wednesday in Casablanca at the age of 58 after suffering from cancer, reports Al Aoual on Thursday. Born in Fes on November the 17th 1985, the artist belong to a family of activists who fought for the independence of the Kingdom which marked his entire career, the same source recalls. The deceased participated in several plays and even organized an exhibition in the late 70's before leaving Morocco to Spain