In a series of events, the Polisario Front has been insisting on the idea of being the only «legitimate representative of Saharwis». To back its stand, the Front relies on a non-binding resolution, adopted by the UN General Assembly in the 1970s.
In a conference held, Saturday, in Algeria, the Polisario denounced Morocco’s rejection of the African Union participation in the Western Sahara process. This rejection comes after the body announced that a presidential troika is the only party allowed to address the conflict.
The Polisario warned in a statement against using Horst Kohler’s resignation as an excuse to delay UN-led roundtable on Western Sahara. Commending the efforts of the German diplomat, the Front urged the UN to appoint a new personal envoy as soon as possible.
Unlike festivities held in 2018, the Polisario Front celebrated the 46th anniversary of its first armed struggle on the quiet.
In Midrand, MPs form Morocco and Algeria clashed during a Pan-African Parliament session held Monday. The session focused on the African Union’s 2019 theme of refugees, returnees, and internally displaced people in the continent.