Earlier this month, Morocco has decided to transfer all Covid-19 patients to two health facilities in Ben Guerir, near Marrakech, and Benslimane, near Casablanca. The decision is reassuring and relieving to citizens more than health workers, according to Dr Al Mountadar El Alaoui from the Independent Union of Public Sector Physicians (SIMSP).
Unlike its recent positions, left-wing party Podemos wants Spain to grant citizenship to Sahrawis born during the Spanish occupation.
While placing citizens at the heart of the State's strategy to stem the spread of the new coronavirus in Morocco, Abdelouafi Laftit managed to convey reassuring messages to Moroccans. The Interior Minister urged Moroccans to respect lockdown measures.
The 2020 Global Peace Index, conducted by the Institute for Economics and Peace, ranks Morocco 83rd after it was 90th in the previous edition. The Kingdom only gains one place in the MENA region, which remains, for the sixth consecutive year, the least peaceful region in the world.