The adoption of the new resolution on Western Sahara was not received in the same way by Rabat and Algiers. While Morocco welcomed the UN resolution, the Polisario Front voiced its disappointment, threatening to «reconsider its engagement in the UN peace process».
The Polisario Front announced on Tuesday that it is not attending the Russia-Africa Summit which is scheduled to open on Wednesday in Sochi. The event is the first of its kind in the history of Russian-African relations, and not the African Union.
After complaining about the delay in the appointment of a new personal envoy to Western Sahara, the Polisario condemned, Tuesday, the «conditions imposed» by Morocco when it comes to replacing former German president Horst Köhler in a letter sent to the UN.
After the Moroccan Foreign Ministry announced, last week, that Lesotho has «frozen recognition of SADR», the landlocked Kingdom made a U-turn on its decision. It’s recent position was voiced, Wednesday, one day after sending a reassuring letter to the Polisario Front.
While Yokohama is expected to host the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Summit from August 28-30, Japan reiterated its position regarding the presence of the «SADR». The meeting will, in fact, be attended by the Polisario front’s representatives.