From 1981 to 1989, while affirming its refusal to negotiate directly with the Polisario Front, the Kingdom sent its emissaries to meet those of the separatist movement several times. However, these meetings, including one chaired by Hassan II, failed to fulfill their objectives.
After American newspaper the Wall Street Journal published an article, quoting the position of some US officials on the Western Sahara dispute, the Polisario decided to reply, relying on its representative in Australia and New Zealand.
The Polisario Front has not been one of the priorities set up by the Algerian lobbyists in the United States. This has been witnessed after the statements published by the Wall Street Journal’s recent article on the Sahara.
In an article published, Sunday, American daily the Wall Street Journal discussed the Western Sahara conflict, insisting that US officials are not interested in having a state in the Sahara. The position praised by Moroccan media angered the Polisario Front, which reacted in a long statement.
The same Brahim Ghali who summoned members of the Polisario General Secretariat to «prepare for war against Morocco», spoke about peace at the 10th edition of the Sahrawi summer university in Boumedres.
The Japanese ambassador to Rabat announced that his country is not interested in inviting «SADR» to its upcoming Tokyo International Conference of Africa’s Development, expected to take place in Yokohama. Japan couldn’t honor a similar promise last year.