The former Moroccan international and football player, Ahmed Rmouki, 60, died Thursday morning in Rabat after suffering with illness for a long time, the Association Sportive des Forces Armées Royales Also Known as the Royal Army Club said in a statement. Rmouki started his career playing first with Raja of Agadir. He then joined AS FAR in the 1980s with whom he won the African Champions League in 1985 and the Throne Cup three times and the national championship. He eventually joined
The Moroccan football team is ranked 56th in the world according to the FIFA World Ranking, a ranking system for men’s national teams in association football, currently led by Germany. The list published on Thursday 14th September, shows that the national team has jumped in the scale by four places scoring 635 points in the month of September. Regionally, Morocco’s team is 10th in the continent led by Egypt. Globally, the monthly ranking is topped by Germany (1st), followed by
The Moroccan General Confederation of Companies (CGEM) organized a seminar on Tuesday, 12th of September at its headquarters in Casablanca, to discuss «Business-management relations : What are the main areas for improvement ?». The meeting brought together about one hundred members of the organization, CGEM said in a statement. The seminar had 4 workshops with the objective of «proposing concrete and applicable recommendations that could remove the administrative barriers
After Paris, London, Doha and Baku, the Oriental Fashion Show is scheduled to be held in Marrakech. For its 21st edition, the event is committed to showcasing art and preserving Eastern traditional clothing, organizers said in a statement. On the 22nd and 23rd of September, creators from Morocco, Algeria, Pakistan and Russia will present their latest collections at the Royal Mansour hotel in Marrakech. Lamia Lakhssassi, Mahe-Mi, Albert Ouaknine, Safaa Ibrahimi, Raishma, Menouca and other
Le Maroc est engagé dans l’aventure d’entrer dans le monde mondialisé tout en gardant sa culture et sa tradition, a affirmé, mercredi soir à Paris, le philosophe et sociologue français Edgar Morin. Le Royaume est engagé dans une aventure alliant présence des valeurs du monde extérieur et sauvegarde de ses propres valeurs, a-t-il estimé lors d’une rencontre organisée à son hommage par
Trente-six personnes ont été blessées, dont une grièvement, dans une collision survenue, mercredi soir à Rabat, entre deux autocars, indiquent les autorités locales de la préfecture de Rabat. Le drame a eu lieu au niveau d'un croisement à l'avenue Al Fadila (Cité Yaacoub Mansour), à la suite d'une collision entre un autocar de transport de voyageurs et un bus transportant les joueurs de Fath de Casablanca, section football
Mauritania and Morocco haven’t been in good terms these couple of days; according to the Middle East monitor which is quoting local median platforms. Accordingly, the neighboring country is enraged over the fact that Rabat has welcomed members of the Mauritanian opposition. Sources told Quds Press that Mauritania is «unhappy that Morocco is hosting businessman Mohamed Ould Bouamatou, whom Nouakchott accuses of supporting a number of seeking to harm public security in the
Spanish police have found a 15-year-old Moroccan teenager hidden underneath a bus, trying to illegally immigrate to Spain, EFE news agency reported, at the maritime border post in Tarifa, in the province of Cadiz. The police officers had to break a part of the vehicle, which came from Tangier to Tarifa, in order to be able to save the young man and ensure his safety, said the police in a statement. The teenager was rescued on Monday, while the bus was being inspected upon arrival at the
Morocco will host on November 2017, two energy forums on gas and renewable energy. The event scheduled for the 29th of November and 1st of December in Casablanca will be attended by Aziz Rabbah, the Minister of Energy, Mines, and Sustainable Development, Energy Net Limited, an online newspaper, reports today. The first event entitled «The Africa Renewable Energy Forum» was first organized in Marrakech last year during COP22 held in November 2016. It is mainly aiming at discussing
A l’occasion de la publication des comptes semestriels 2017 de l’OCP, les analystes financiers mettent en avant une progression de 6,9% du chiffre d'affaires consolidé de la société à 23,2 milliards de dirhams (MMDH), profitant d'une hausse de 28% des revenus de la roche et de 17% de ceux des engrais, minimisant ainsi l'impact de la baisse des prix enregistrée sur la période. Cette performance reste également attribuable à des