The Koummya, a traditional Moroccan dagger, was originally used in battle but is now a decorative item. A golden version went viral on Instagram, selling for $70,000 to a Moroccan woman who valued its royal history. Moroccan kings have long gifted such daggers to prominent figures, including President Roosevelt and President Clinton.
For Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta, Maldivians were converted to Islam by a Berber merchant known as Abu al-Barakat Yusuf al-Barbari. In the Islands the Muslim scholar is regarded as a medieval hero who saved the nation from a sea monster.
In 1777, caid Tahar ben Abdelhak Fennish was sent by Mohammed ben Abdellah to negotiate a treaty with the French to free Moroccan captives. Years later he was asked by the Alaouite sultan to make the USA befriend the Kingdom.